Interesting piece on Boehner.

11 Jan 2011 19:32 #1 by Soulshiner

When you plant ice you're going to harvest wind. - Robert Hunter

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11 Jan 2011 21:19 #2 by outdoor338
must be a slow night for you lib' anything better then this? :Snooze :Snooze

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11 Jan 2011 21:33 - 11 Jan 2011 21:41 #3 by LadyJazzer
Interesting... I enjoyed the part about passing out the tobacco-lobby checks on the floor, and then saying, "This practice has got to stop" with a straight face...

I enjoyed this even more:

"Not the hardest worker," said Joe Scarborough, former congressman and current MSNBC host. Congressional sources say that Boehner likes to knock off early, and that seems to square with his record, which reveals a real passion — for the links. He once went on 180 junkets in six years, most of them golf trips, and reportedly copped to playing 100 rounds a year at a time when he was collecting a six-figure salary, paid for by the U.S. taxpayer, to serve in Congress. His political action committee spent almost $83,000 on golf events in 2009, and over the past 18 months he has run up a $67,000 tab at the Ritz-Carlton golf resort in Naples, Florida. He flew on a corporate jet 45 times between 2000 and 2007, and took at least 41 other corporate-sponsored trips in the past decade.

Wow... And the worry is that Pelosi took a self-financed trip to Hawaii for the Christmas break? rofllol rofllol rofllol rofllol

Ooooo, here's another good one:

Of all the longtime Republican Beltway hacks who are now scrambling to find ways to throw enough sunshine on the Tea Party mob to keep their jobs, Boehner has been the most hilariously transparent. In yet another scene straight out of a screwball comedy — maybe it was an early hommage to the now-departed Leslie Nielsen — Boehner in November 2009 stood up in front of a crowd of Tea Partiers who had gathered to protest the upcoming Obamacare vote, and tried to stroke his audience by holding up a copy of the Constitution. Professing his love for the sacred document, Boehner pledged to "stand here with our Founding Fathers, who wrote in the preamble: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident.'" The crowd was silent. Boehner had confused the Constitution with the Declaration of Independence.

rofllol rofllol rofllol rofllol rofllol

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11 Jan 2011 21:34 #4 by mtntrekker
didn't get through all of it but i agree with some of taibbi. i am not impressed with boehner. in his recent speeches he has already sold out. he thinks since he is 2rd in line that he is going to negotiate everything and all will be well - not. i am ready to fly to ohio and start working to get him kicked out of office and get someone who gets it - smaller government, reducing the deficit, etc. but i think by the time it is time for his reelection there will be plenty who will send him packing.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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11 Jan 2011 21:46 #5 by LadyJazzer

The GOP establishment want the energy of the Tea Party, but they don't want to have to work for it. They're hoping — and they have plenty of reasons to have this hope — that the vast majority of Tea Partiers will be dazzled by their new status in Congress, or be willing to be bought off with corporate money, or be just plain dumb enough to fall for whatever pulled-out-of-the-ass phony reform rhetoric that guys like Boehner come up with, instead of making real changes to the way Congress does business. In a hilarious example of the former, Boehner with a straight face recently announced that he would push to cut committee budgets and member allowances by five percent, for an anticipated savings of — cue the clueless Dr. Evil laugh — $30 million. "It likely would be one of the first votes we cast," Boehner declared proudly, failing to recognize that paying for trillion-dollar bailouts and $900 billion tax breaks by cutting $30 million at a time is a little like planning a hostile takeover of IBM with a stack of Rite Aid coupons. That's not government; it's stand-up comedy.

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11 Jan 2011 21:58 #6 by mtntrekker
lol boehner is a clown. but this is what we all have to see to get the guy kicked out of office.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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11 Jan 2011 22:13 #7 by FredHayek
Boehner took private donations to pay for his golf, Pelosi billed the taxpayers for her transportation, and Hickenlooper took private donations for his inaguration. Good question, do we want the taxpayers to pay for extras or corporate hacks looking for influence?

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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11 Jan 2011 22:34 #8 by archer
I's almost rather they use taxpayer money and be beholden to us, than to take corporate money and do their bidding. Either way, they all feel like they are entitled to their much for "service" to the nation as the greatest calling.

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11 Jan 2011 23:19 #9 by Residenttroll returns
Hum, let me think about this ....

Boehner who visits the links regularly or Pelosi to visit the plastic surgeon regularly? .

I swear the liberals and liberal media are driving themselves crazy.....they are out shooting off their mouths and keyboards like JL shoots guns.

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