What the 285 Corridor Tea Party Group Believes!

22 Jan 2011 09:37 #1 by 285CorridorTeaPartyGroup
What the 285 Corridor Tea Party Group Believes! was created by 285CorridorTeaPartyGroup
Hello and welcome to the 285 Corridor Tea Party Group Forum :fwave:

This Forum is the first of its kind. It is new for your local Tea Party Group and it is a novel and bold move forward, by your [url=http://www.285bound.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;]http://www.285bound.com[/url] community website administrators.

The 285 Corridor Tea Party Group is foremost grateful to the Administrators of 285bound.com for their insight, their creativity and extraordinary courage for allowing this unique type of Forum. The 285 Corridor Tea Party Group Forum specifically involves political advocacy for Conservative American values and principles and proposes to provide positive direction for our fellow Conservative Americans; particularly those living within the “285 Corridor” community.

The government’s agenda, of predominantly excessive spending and bailouts, the hastening to increase the power of Unions, plus the rising jobs loss and the increase of Socialist programs, such as Health Care Reform, are all an effort to create a sustained necessity for many of our present representatives. This excessive growth and ever increasing reach of the federal government and of our states and local governments as well, has caused the majority of Americans to become truly, Fed Up!

Numerous Tea Party Groups have sprung up nationwide. This last November the effect of the Tea Party movement positively influenced the entire nation, mostly within the Congressional and Gubernatorial elections for offices previously and exclusively held by both Democrats and Republicans, but Republicans-in-Name-Only, RINO's.

The Tea Party movement consists of regular, every-day Americans desiring to vent their frustration and anger at the frequent attacks on organized religion, and upon the essence of what defines the family. The spread-the-wealth mentality of taxation on the wealthiest of Americans has caused many to stop investing in business growth, because they do not know, from day to day, what regulations and taxes likely lay ahead.

Instead of our government focusing on creating jobs and improving the nation’s economy, government spending has recurrently increased and the deficit has soared to new and extraordinary heights. Numerous and various polls have shown that all Americans want this to stop, but the liberal agenda of this administration, and those likeminded elected to the House and Senate, continue to push for this “Change” for America.

With all of this in mind, your 285 Corridor Tea Party Group wants to state what we want:

We want smaller government at every level. We want less spending and no further wasteful spending. We want less intrusion on our freedoms and we desire an economic environment that is widely conducive to entrepreneurship. We want our borders secured and we want genuine attention paid to eliminating terrorism and the frequent terrorist threats to America.

We also want for every person within our 285 Corridor, who may be equally interested in a more representative and efficient government, to join us! We want and must get our community members involved in all aspects of local, state and national politics, either as activists or as candidates, if we are ever to return our nation to its rightful heirs; The American People.

We also wish to let you know, what we are NOT.

We are NOT simply an educational group, informing you of your rights; we are active and we become involved! We are NOT Racists, nor are we Homophobes. We are NOT Nazis, Bigots or Haters of anyone or of any kind. We may argue from time-to-time, but we sincerely believe each American, has a unique voice and a crucial vote.

We firmly believe the U.S. Constitution is sacrosanct and consider all people as equals. We welcome anyone and everyone and only wish for you to join us to assist in our mission to restore the foundational and principle values of our beloved nation. We also wish for your help to regain and strengthen our voice in this unique form of self-governance.

Thank you to the 285 Corridor Tea Party Steering Committee for their gracious and generous input into the development of this; our first post.

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