Michele Bachmann's response

26 Jan 2011 08:05 #1 by Mayhem
Most probably never saw this as the ruling class in the media chose to ignore the Tea Party again. However CNN feeling a new lease on life now the Piers Morgan has managed to get them a few 100 viewers did show it. In true Tea Party style she did not mix words. Her charts did remind me of the troll from Texas. Nonetheless it was a to-the-point message that will resonate with thinking people and be anathema to the usual suspects.


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26 Jan 2011 08:29 #2 by Nmysys
Replied by Nmysys on topic Michele Bachmann's response
They did show her response but then put her down saying they couldn't understand why there were two responses from the Right.

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26 Jan 2011 08:31 #3 by LadyJazzer
Oh, I LOVED IT! The more she talks, the dumber the teabaggers look. I just keep wondering when the drugs are going to wear off, because the last time I saw eyes like that, my bass player in 1968 had just dropped acid, and he was tripping!

Keep talking, Bachmann!!!

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26 Jan 2011 08:36 #4 by Mayhem
Replied by Mayhem on topic Michele Bachmann's response
Aren't they the ones who are always telling us the Republicans aren't right? (that has several connotations)

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26 Jan 2011 08:39 #5 by Mayhem
Replied by Mayhem on topic Michele Bachmann's response
Bet VL wished he could predict football like I can predict libs :lol:

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26 Jan 2011 09:13 #6 by LadyJazzer

Fact Checking Rep. Bachmann's "Tea Party Response" To The State Of The Union


A small sample:

Bachmann Repeated "16,500" IRS Agents' Lie

BACHMANN: What did we buy? Instead of a leaner, smarter government, we bought a bureaucracy that tells us which light bulbs to buy, and which will put 16,500 IRS agents in charge of policing President Obama's healthcare bill.

"16,500 IRS Agents" A False Claim Based On Partisan Analysis Of Bill

FactCheck.org: "This Wildly Inaccurate Claim Started As An Inflated, Partisan Assertion." In a fact check of various Republican claims about thousands of new, armed IRS agents required by the Affordable Care Act, the non-partisan FactCheck.org wrote:

Q: Will the IRS hire 16,500 new agents to enforce the health care law?

A: No. The law requires the IRS mostly to hand out tax credits, not collect penalties. The claim of 16,500 new agents stems from a partisan analysis based on guesswork and false assumptions, and compounded by outright misrepresentation...

This wildly inaccurate claim started as an inflated, partisan assertion that 16,500 new IRS employees might be required to administer the new law. That devolved quickly into a claim, made by some Republican lawmakers, that 16,500 IRS "agents" would be required. Republican Rep. Ron Paul of Texas even claimed in a televised interview that all 16,500 would be carrying guns. None of those claims is true. [FactCheck.org, 3/30/10 [/u][/b]; emphasis original]

FactCheck.org: Claim Based On Bad Assumptions In Misleading Republican Staff Report. In a fact check of various Republican claims about thousands of new, armed IRS agents required by the Affordable Care Act, the non-partisan FactCheck.org wrote:

This figure originated with a report put out by Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee on March 18...The analysts based their 16,500 figure on an assumption that the IRS budget "could" require an additional $10 billion over the next 10 years as a result of the law, a figure they attribute to the Congressional Budget Office...The GOP analysts then inflated their estimate by making a couple of false assumptions.

No desks? First, they assume that all the new "administrative" spending projected by CBO would go for payroll and benefits - without any allowance for desks, computers, office rent, utilities, travel or other overhead costs necessary to run any government enterprise. The partisan analysts simply divided the spending (which they figured could be $1.5 billion per year once the law is fully effective) by the current average payroll cost for the entire IRS workforce...The GOP analysts then inflated their estimate by making a couple of false assumptions.

No pay raises? The second false assumption is that there will be no inflation or pay raises over the next decade. They apply fiscal 2009 cost figures to budgets for 2014 through 2019. In fact,CBO currently projects that the Employment Cost Index will rise 1.4 percent next year and reach 3 percent per year in 2015 and thereafter. Even if the partisan analysis is valid, that would further reduce the maximum number that could be hired by another 1,000 in 2014, and by about 2,800 in 2019, by our calculations. [FactCheck.org, 3/30/10 [/u][/b]; emphasis original]

Predictions aren't hard when you have something that is so totally filled with bullcrap, distortions, lies, and downright ignorance... Duh!

rofllol :lol: rofllol :lol: rofllol :lol: and: :Koolaid: :bash :Koolaid: :bash :Koolaid: :bash

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26 Jan 2011 11:55 #7 by outdoor338
Bachman did a great job presenting...LJ she was reading a teleprompter (you know like barry does), maybe she could have used one of barry's? He has several of them he brings with him..I love it when you libs go nuts about the tea party...its fun to watch the foam of hate coming from your keyboards when attacking those from the tea party. Thanks for playing..who knew! :lol: rofllol :lol: :woo hoo:

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