Who is John Galt

22 Apr 2011 14:20 #121 by AspenValley
Replied by AspenValley on topic Who is John Galt

SS109 wrote: maybe they don't like to have their beliefs tested?

More likely they've read the book and don't relish the prospect of wasting a perfectly good Friday night listening to her characters mouth speeches at each other.

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22 Apr 2011 14:22 #122 by AspenValley
Replied by AspenValley on topic Who is John Galt

SS109 wrote: The Lefties here who condemm Ms. Rand because they think she would mock the TEA Party forgot to mention that Ayn was also a confirmed athiest. I can imagine more on the Right upset with her for that belief.

I don't "condemn" Rand, just find she makes extremely strange bedfellows with the Tea Partiers. And yes, on matters of religion as well, although I didn't "forget" to mention it, it just seemed a cheap shot so I refrained.

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22 Apr 2011 22:41 #123 by Blazer Bob
Replied by Blazer Bob on topic Who is John Galt

AspenValley wrote:

neptunechimney wrote: AV,it is not just a welfare state.

"The US National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) says it will seek an order to require Boeing to place the second 787 production line in Washington state, in response to charges filed by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) 17 months after Boeing selected North Charleston, South Carolina to host the site."

http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/20 ... -line.html

I know, I know, we're supposed to believe that unions are the boogeyman, too.


My post was not about unions. It was about an Orwellian attempt of the federal governmnet to dictate where Boeing had to build it planes a la Rand's predictions.

The fact that it is driven by a union request is secondary. The point is that they want that power.

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23 Apr 2011 07:20 #124 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic Who is John Galt
Actual movie review: While not an award winning work, it got its message across and stayed pretty true to the book. And for us Coloradoans, part of it was filmed in the state and you can recognize a few famous places. My one big beef? The actress playing Dagney didn't do a good job of playing how obsessed she actually was.
The theatre I went to was about 1/2 full so that is a good sign. Can't wait for Part II.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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23 Apr 2011 12:09 #125 by poubelle
Replied by poubelle on topic Who is John Galt
I must confess. I have never read through an Ayn Rand novel. I tried really, really hard in high school, when my fellow adolescent-aliens and I were first exposed but I just could not get beyond the dreck of the first few pages. She was not much of a writer in my opinion and I don't care what the "message" may be, if the writing is swill, I ain't gonna waste my time with 700 to 1000 pages of beautiful-mind sullying drivel. And those of my fellow students who read her and "loved" what she wrote shared certain personality characteristics: " Whenever I'm with other Randians, I so have the biggest dick in the room." . That quote is from a fabulously funny article, "The Bitch is Back"' in GQ from late 2009 that I linked to with an accompanying picture that is so perfect.

You wanna know what I think about Rand and her ilk? She was an extreme narcissist whose personality/mind never got out of the childlike absorption with the self. How dare anyone attempt to rein in their desires or their ego. How dare anyone question their reason and motives when they are so above the "norm". It is only and always all about "I". Her chosen name itself, AYN, is pronounced as "ine" (rhymes with wine). Give me a flippin' break.

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23 Apr 2011 13:16 #126 by Blazer Bob
Replied by Blazer Bob on topic Who is John Galt
You must be very perceptive to get so much out of the first few pages.

poubelle wrote: I must confess. I have never read through an Ayn Rand novel. I tried really, really hard in high school, when my fellow adolescent-aliens and I were first exposed but I just could not get beyond the dreck of the first few page s. She was not much of a writer in my opinion and I don't care what the "message" may be, if the writing is swill, I ain't gonna waste my time with 700 to 1000 pages of beautiful-mind sullying drivel. And those of my fellow students who read her and "loved" what she wrote shared certain personality characteristics: " Whenever I'm with other Randians, I so have the biggest dick in the room." . That quote is from a fabulously funny article, "The Bitch is Back"' in GQ from late 2009 that I linked to with an accompanying picture that is so perfect.

You wanna know what I think about Rand and her ilk? She was an extreme narcissist whose personality/mind never got out of the childlike absorption with the self. How dare anyone attempt to rein in their desires or their ego. How dare anyone question their reason and motives when they are so above the "norm". It is only and always all about "I". Her chosen name itself, AYN, is pronounced as "ine" (rhymes with wine). Give me a flippin' break.

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23 Apr 2011 13:25 #127 by JMC
Replied by JMC on topic Who is John Galt
Not our fault that she was unreadable. The worst prose of a great "selling" author ever. I doubt that 10 % of the people that claim to have read her trash ever got past the first 100 pages.

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23 Apr 2011 13:32 #128 by Blazer Bob
Replied by Blazer Bob on topic Who is John Galt

jmc wrote: Not our fault that she was unreadable. The worst prose of a great "selling" author ever. I doubt that 10 % of the people that claim to have read her trash ever got past the first 100 pages.

I find it refreshing that the left is coming out of the closet enough to admit that they can hate it without having read it.

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23 Apr 2011 13:35 #129 by JMC
Replied by JMC on topic Who is John Galt

neptunechimney wrote:

jmc wrote: Not our fault that she was unreadable. The worst prose of a great "selling" author ever. I doubt that 10 % of the people that claim to have read her trash ever got past the first 100 pages.

I find it refreshing that the left is coming out of the closet enough to admit that they can hate it without having read it.

Bad writing is bad writing, did you actually wade through that garbage, if so , you are a better man than me.

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23 Apr 2011 13:57 #130 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Who is John Galt

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves Orcs."
--John Rogers

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