Koch-Whore WI Gov. Walker caught in phone prank

23 Feb 2011 16:26 #1 by Photo-fish
Blogger poses as David Koch in prank call to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker


You can't make this up, but the source linked will be poo pooed by some for sure. That's OK because it is all over the place, even on conservative blogs that will try to downplay it and call it fake. Walker's office has confirmed the call was real.

The state's Democratic senators can't get Walker on the phone to talk comprimise, but someone can call the governor's front desk, identify themselves as David Koch, and then speak with both the governor and his chief of staff? That's where you see the access and power that major corporations and wealthy contributors will have in a Walker administration, and why so many in Wisconsin are reluctant to see the only major interest group representing workers taken out of the game.

Walker is not opposed, in principle, to powerful interest groups having the ear of the politicians they depend on, and who depend on them. He just wants those interest groups to be the conservative interest groups that fund him, and that he depends on.

During the 20 minute phone conversation, Walker said he is willing to draw the Democrats back to Madison by offering to talk about legislation. He said once they are in the building, a vote could be taken on his plan. Maybe not "incriminating" per se, but I thought it pretty revealing and quite unflattering.

So how much $$ did the Koch Bros. donate:
$43,000 directly, PLUS $65,000 laundered through the Republican Governors Association, PLUS 3.4 million on negative campaign ads against opponents

Why are the Koch Bros. so involved in this?

Koch Brothers' existing operations in Wisconsin:

Flint Hills Resources, LLC, through its subsidiaries, is a leading refining and chemicals company. Its subsidiaries market products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, ethanol, olefins, polymers and intermediate chemicals, as well as base oils and asphalt. A subsidiary distributes refined fuel through its strategically located pipelines and terminals in Junction City, Waupun, Madison and Milwaukee. Another subsidiary manufactures asphalt that is distributed to terminals in Green Bay and Stevens Point.

Koch Pipeline Company, L.P. operates a pipeline system that crosses Wisconsin, part of the nearly 4,000 miles of pipelines owned or operated by the company.

The C. Reiss Coal Company is a leading supplier of coal used to generate power. The company has locations in Green Bay, Manitowoc, Ashland and Sheboygan.


So these guys were major contributors to the Govs. election. And now the door is suddenly open to sell state owned energy plants if this bill passes?

Connect the dots and follow the money. This union busting business is just a smokescreen for a power grab on Wisconsin's energy industry. And yes the dominoes will fall folks all the way to Colorado on this part too.

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23 Feb 2011 16:38 #2 by Pony Soldier
Should I say it? ?? ?? ??

No, I'll leave it for LJ.

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23 Feb 2011 16:48 #3 by outdoor338
just shows me liberals have nothing better to do..yawn! Maybe you libs here should go find your fleebaggers that cut and run :lol: rofllol :lol: :VeryScared: :biggrin:

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23 Feb 2011 16:53 #4 by Nmysys
What makes you think they will even try to defend that? They would much rather find things that they can spin as they wish.

Maybe Photo Fish thinks that he should take Steven Colbert or Bill Maher's calls too!!!!

I think the issue of integrity should be balanced here. Where is the integrity of the Democratic Party in all this? Down the toilet!!!!

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23 Feb 2011 18:10 #5 by archer

Nmysys wrote: What makes you think they will even try to defend that? They would much rather find things that they can spin as they wish.

Maybe Photo Fish thinks that he should take Steven Colbert or Bill Maher's calls too!!!!

I think the issue of integrity should be balanced here. Where is the integrity of the Democratic Party in all this? Down the toilet!!!!

I'll take the integrity of a bunch of lawmakers who will do most anything to get the truth of what is happening out to the people over the integrity of a governor who says he's trying to save money when he is actually only interested in punishing the unions and taking them down. The man has proven himself to be a liar and a shill for the Kochs. A fine example of conservatives values.

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23 Feb 2011 19:02 #6 by outdoor338
So, let me see if I understand you archer..a few lib politicians (minority) in Wisconsin, take off so they will not have to vote..that's good!
The minority, but majority of republicans who voted against obamacare, that were getting to the truth on how bad obamacare was...their bad....hmmm..ok, interesting!

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24 Feb 2011 07:11 #7 by FredHayek
Shouldn't the Dems take it like a man and lose this vote and then use it in a campaign to take back the statehouse in 2012? Nothing goverment does is permanent.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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24 Feb 2011 07:30 #8 by Pony Soldier

SS109 wrote: Shouldn't the Dems take it like a man and lose this vote and then use it in a campaign to take back the statehouse in 2012? Nothing goverment does is permanent.

Yes, that would seem to make sense. The prank call on Walker is very telling as to who his masters are though.

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24 Feb 2011 07:59 #9 by LadyJazzer
This probably belongs more in this thread:

Shep Smith: Wisconsin Fight Has Nothing Do With Budget, All About Busting Unions (VIDEO)

On Wednesday's [FoxNews] "Studio B," Shepard Smith said the battle over union rights in Wisconsin was all about busting unions and securing Republican political power, not about the state's budget deficit.

It was a take that placed Smith squarely in agreement with people such as Rachel Maddow, who has repeatedly argued essentially the same thing on her show.

Speaking to a mostly-in-agreement Juan Williams, Smith said the fight was "100 percent politics."

"There is no budget crisis in Wisconsin," he said, adding that the unions "[have] given concessions."

The real point of the fight, Smith said, could be found in the list of the top ten donors to political campaigns. Seven out of the ten donated to Republicans; the other three were unions donating to Democrats.

"Bust the unions, and it's over," Smith said. He then brought up the Koch brothers, the billionaires who have bankrolled much of the anti-union pushback in Wisconsin. The fight, Smith said, "started" with the Kochs, who he said were trying to get a return on the money they donated to Walker's campaign.

"I'm not taking a side on this, I'm just telling you what's going on...to pretend this is about a fiscal crisis in the state of Wisconsin is malarkey," Smith said.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/2 ... 27547.html

Video: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/shep-smith-p ... -malarkey/

Wow, it's pretty bad when you can't even get a conservative FauxNews commentator to regurgitate the party-line. I bet he doesn't last long...

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24 Feb 2011 08:07 #10 by Mayhem

Photo-fish wrote: You can't make this up, but the source linked will be poo pooed by some for sure. That's OK because it is all over the place,

Shocking Level of Influence Exposed: Union Boss Trumka Talks to White House EVERY DAY and Visits a Couple Times A Week


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