kresspin wrote: How much did he waste on his "Star Wars" defense system again?
Not a penny IMNTBHO. He started an investment aimed at providing for the common defense of the nation that has thus far yielded the Patriot Missile Defense, and a functional airborne laser system.
Is that really worth the $100 billion of our money that the government spent? Was it worth not scrapping all nuclear weapons on both sides, as proposed at the Icelandic Summit. The proposal failed because Reagan wouldn't give up his idea of Star Wars.
How do you feel about Reagan sending military supplies to Iran, against U.S. policy?
$100 Billion over 30 years is a drop in the bucket with regards to federal spending kresspin. When that investment finally results in the protection of the union from the threat of ICBMs armed with nuclear weapons it will be properly recognized for the forward thinking that it represents.
The problem with abandoning the research to secure an agreement with the Soviets was, and is, that while they did represent the biggest threat at the time, the nuclear genie is out of the bottle and it was only a matter of time before another nation developed the ability to launch an ICBM armed with a nuclear payload targeted on the United States. It was not, and is not, worth scrapping all of our nuclear arsenal because there are other players in the nuclear arms arena. Do you think that India, Pakistan, China, Japan, Israel, Germany, Great Britain, France and all the rest of them would be willing to abandon their nuclear arsenals simply because the United States and the USSR abandoned theirs? You can't be that naive, can you kresspin?