If I only had a brain...

06 Mar 2011 11:32 #1 by Obam me
If I only had a brain... was created by Obam me
I'm probably one of the last people to learn this but I just read how The Wizard of Oz was an allegory based on economic and political commentary surrounding the debate over “sound money” that occurred in the late 1800s.

"...due to the debate between gold, silver, and the dollar standard. The book, therefore, is supposedly an allegory of these historical events, making the information easier to understand. In said book, Dorothy represents traditional American values. The Scarecrow portrays the American farmer, while the Tin Man represents the workers and the Cowardly Lion depicts William Jennings Bryan. Recall that at the time, Mr. Bryan was the official standard bearer for the “silver movement,” as well as the unsuccessful Democratic presidential candidate of 1896 (he was also a main character in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913). Interestingly, in the original story Dorothy’s slippers were made of silver, not ruby, implying that silver was the Populists’ solution to the nation’s economic woes." http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/in+toto

So I'm wondering who Dorothy, The Scarecrow, The Cowardly Lion and the Tin Man would represent today? And who would be the Wizard? Who opened the curtain on the Wizard? Toto. The definition of Toto is "altogether, as a whole" which some believe were the American people exposing corruption. I'm thinking maybe the Tea Party could be our current-day Toto?

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06 Mar 2011 11:37 #2 by navycpo7
Replied by navycpo7 on topic If I only had a brain...

Trouble wrote: I'm probably one of the last people to learn this but I just read how The Wizard of Oz was an allegory based on economic and political commentary surrounding the debate over “sound money” that occurred in the late 1800s.

"...due to the debate between gold, silver, and the dollar standard. The book, therefore, is supposedly an allegory of these historical events, making the information easier to understand. In said book, Dorothy represents traditional American values. The Scarecrow portrays the American farmer, while the Tin Man represents the workers and the Cowardly Lion depicts William Jennings Bryan. Recall that at the time, Mr. Bryan was the official standard bearer for the “silver movement,” as well as the unsuccessful Democratic presidential candidate of 1896 (he was also a main character in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913). Interestingly, in the original story Dorothy’s slippers were made of silver, not ruby, implying that silver was the Populists’ solution to the nation’s economic woes." http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/in+toto

So I'm wondering who Dorothy, The Scarecrow, The Cowardly Lion and the Tin Man would represent today? And who would be the Wizard? Who opened the curtain on the Wizard? Toto. The definition of Toto is "altogether, as a whole" which some believe were the American people exposing corruption. I'm thinking maybe the Tea Party could be our current-day Toto?

Just a question just trying to understand some things here. By your last statement there, you are thinking that the Tea Party is the group that will be the big brother who steps in to save the day, or will be the ones to solve the problems here in the US. Or the Tea Party will be the group to expose all that is wrong in this country, and will have solutions to solve them, I could be out in left field on this to. So to understand I have to ask.

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06 Mar 2011 17:55 #3 by Obam me
Replied by Obam me on topic If I only had a brain...
I love how the Tea Party is exposing corruption in both parties! I also like many of their idea of restoring America and respecting our Constitution. I don't think they're the "big brother" rather they are Patriots that love America.

There are several Wizard of Oz analogies out there. I like this one too:

Contemplating how we got to ObamaCare brings to mind the L. Frank Baum classic Wizard of Oz. Both require the complete suspension of disbelief in favor of magical thinking and the bestowing of God-like abilities to mortals.

The Yellow Brick Road to OzbamaCare is paved with empty promises, boldfaced lies, and…..price controls. The people are promised access to high quality healthcare at little or no added cost; the proverbial free lunch. All will be “covered” regardless of pre-existing illness, and insurance premiums will actually go down! The government will decide what policies will be offered, and dictate the price. Somehow, private insurance companies will survive.


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