Muslims to rally for U.S. Islamic state

08 Mar 2011 13:21 #1 by outdoor338
A bestselling author and critic of Islam doesn't think much can be done to prevent an extreme Muslim cleric from holding a rally in front of the White House to call for an Islamic revolution in the U.S.

Anjem Choudary, a British citizen, has been making the rounds on American television for what critics are calling a publicity stunt. He has already sparked anger by saying "the flag of Islam will fly over the White House" one day and that Americans "are the biggest criminals in the world today."

But now, he wants thousands of Muslims to rally the White House to establish an Islamic state in America. And Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch does not think that will violate the law that forbids calling for a violent overthrow of the U.S. government.

"Anjem Choudary is talking about the imposition of Islamic law peacefully via stealth jihad, via Islamic proselytizing and so on," Spencer explains. "And so they might say technically he's just talking about changing the government, just like any number of other groups."

But the Jihad Watch director does think the radical cleric needs to be watched.

"He is a bad actor, and I think we should take him seriously. He is connected with real jihad terror groups," Spencer warns. "If he comes into the United States, I don't think he's going to commit any acts of violence, but he is somebody who is a very bad influence and somebody who bears watching because he is an orthodox Muslim."

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08 Mar 2011 13:34 #2 by Obam me
Replied by Obam me on topic Muslims to rally for U.S. Islamic state
I sat next to a law enforcment officer yesterday on a flight from Denver to Atlanta. He told me his biggest concern and that of his fellow officers is the huge number of muslim terrorist groups around the country, including the south. He then proceeded to tell me I needed to get my conceal and carry pronto! He also said everyone should have Raid bug spray sitting next to their front and back doors...guess it works better than mace and at greater distances at taking down the bad guys.

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08 Mar 2011 13:36 #3 by AspenValley

Trouble wrote: He also said everyone should have Raid bug spray sitting next to their front and back doors...guess it works better than mace and at greater distances at taking down the bad guys.

Oh yeah, to protect ourselves from all those muslim terrorist groups coming to our back doors. :faint:

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08 Mar 2011 13:40 #4 by outdoor338
Where do you see muslims and bug sprays AV..she said bad your liberal hairs up today. :Crying:

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08 Mar 2011 13:43 #5 by Obam me
Replied by Obam me on topic Muslims to rally for U.S. Islamic state

Oh yeah, to protect ourselves from all those muslim terrorist groups coming to our back doors.

Oh wait...this is a quote from another thread...seems to apply here too, eh?

And here is another news flash. Smart women aren't liberal. They figured out it is all lies. What you are left with is liberal women who think they are smart. Big difference.

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08 Mar 2011 13:48 #6 by Nmysys

Oh yeah, to protect ourselves from all those muslim terrorist groups coming to our back doors. :faint:

To think I used to jump to these comments, and start arguing.

Now I just sit and wonder.


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08 Mar 2011 13:52 #7 by Obam me
Replied by Obam me on topic Muslims to rally for U.S. Islamic state
But but's so much fun to jump on these kinds of stupid comments!! rofllol

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08 Mar 2011 14:03 #8 by Nmysys
I'm a changed, more mature man!!!!!


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08 Mar 2011 14:04 #9 by AspenValley

Nmysys wrote:

Oh yeah, to protect ourselves from all those muslim terrorist groups coming to our back doors. :faint:

To think I used to jump to these comments, and start arguing.

Now I just sit and wonder.


What are you wondering? Why I don't arm myself with cans of Raid against terrorists?

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08 Mar 2011 14:06 #10 by kresspin

Trouble wrote: I sat next to a law enforcment officer yesterday on a flight from Denver to Atlanta. He told me his biggest concern and that of his fellow officers is the huge number of muslim terrorist groups around the country, including the south. He then proceeded to tell me I needed to get my conceal and carry pronto! He also said everyone should have Raid bug spray sitting next to their front and back doors...guess it works better than mace and at greater distances at taking down the bad guys.

Don't forget masking tape! rofllol

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