One of my favorite bloggers, Erika Napoletano of Redhead Writing, posted an article today that resonated with me. How to Be Good Enough OR Why I Suck at Making Cornbread


She's great a reminding us of important lessons in a humorous, blunt, refreshingly honest way (and, quite possibly, I just love her generous use of "colorful metaphors"). Today's lesson is one which I think many of us suffer from in various degrees, and requires only a little conscious effort on our part to remedy.

I highly encourage you to read the whole article, or better yet, sign up for her blog or Like her on Facebook, because she's full of gems of wisdom. I leave you with the take-away of this one, because this is where I am today and where I'm going from now on!

But here’s the rub. I felt bad enough bringing a sh**ty batch of cornbread to a Southern fella’s holiday BBQ and I could have beat myself up about it for a good eight hours. Instead, we had a damn fine evening.

Because I’m good enough. The cornbread wasn’t, but f*** that cornbread and the pretentious little package it rode in on. I am. I’m good enough and the only job I have in this life is to become better.

We spend our days surrounded by people who need to tear us down in order to build themselves up by telling us we’re not good enough. We’d do better by filing those people away with that flavorless cornbread mix because they’re flavorless, too. If they had any flavor (class, self worth, confidence) at all, they wouldn’t need to tear us down.

So why are you letting them? More importantly, why are you doing it to yourself?

© My Mountain Town (new)