My Ethernet connection remains most of the time. It is my wireless that drops pretty often. I have asked Century Link to provide me with a new one....It was supposed to be here yesterday and......
It seem that the weather may be having an effect on the service up here. It goes out a lot when we have rain.
The wirless effects both my laptop and bluRay.
If you over by Deer Creek Ranchettes then it is an issue with the trunks, they were sloppy putting them in and I have seen many problems in that area, me included. They denied it but I watched them put the trunks in. Also managed a company IT department over there and they had their own trunk, same shotty work and many calls to the independent contractor and Qwest to repair it, mainly when it rained.
Hello! I'm not sure we've ever directly spoken before, but I'm an IT professional by trade, and I'll offer my two cents here!
The wireless inside your house should not be affected by weather outside, unless you're looking at power surges, etc., most likely it is just a bad modem/router, especially if the ethernet (wired) connections continue to work. There are a variety of reasons why this might happen, but with routers and modems I've found that typically you can blame it either on a physical defect in the memory of the device, or something to the effect of the device not dropping connections after they are made, though this is just my surmising as there's not too much proof in any real direction about why wireless will just fail from time to time on wireless routers.
That said, software has greatly improved in the past few years, and a new router may very well help with your problem, if not solve it! I would never blame the weather for loss of wireless, though. Loss of DSL signal is one thing, but if it's just the wireless, that's a hardware/software problem, and not weather-related
Thanks for the explanation rccl. The problem is always worse though when it rains. I can go for long periods of time w/o a problem, get rain and I can forget getting on the computer. I always thought it was my phone line.
“When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex. Only whit man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.” Indian Chief Two Eagles
RCCL wrote: Hello! I'm not sure we've ever directly spoken before, but I'm an IT professional by trade, and I'll offer my two cents here!
The wireless inside your house should not be affected by weather outside, unless you're looking at power surges, etc., most likely it is just a bad modem/router, especially if the ethernet (wired) connections continue to work. There are a variety of reasons why this might happen, but with routers and modems I've found that typically you can blame it either on a physical defect in the memory of the device, or something to the effect of the device not dropping connections after they are made, though this is just my surmising as there's not too much proof in any real direction about why wireless will just fail from time to time on wireless routers.
That said, software has greatly improved in the past few years, and a new router may very well help with your problem, if not solve it! I would never blame the weather for loss of wireless, though. Loss of DSL signal is one thing, but if it's just the wireless, that's a hardware/software problem, and not weather-related
Becky this is what I was going to tell you. Fact RCCL is the pro here, I actually purchased my dsl modem at best buy, better warranty etc. have a spare just in case.