Confessions: "How I Paid for College"

21 Sep 2011 15:59 #1 by ScienceChic
The comments in this article are obviously from a slanted audience, but it got me to wondering what y'all did! I had scholarships, loans, lived on savings, and worked as a cashier at a grocery store for a couple of years, nothing exciting.

What did you do to get through college? ... bs-stories
Confessions: "How I Paid for College"
—By Karmah Elmusa
| Thu Sep. 15, 2011

Some of the comments that I liked:

Purly01 09/15/2011 07:54 AM
I volunteered for psychology experiments. Since I am not claustrophobic and had no tattoos, I could go in for the fMRI studies. I was shocked on the wrist for half an hour with my head in a cage inside the machine to help figure out the mental processes behind post traumatic stress disorder. It didn't pay nearly enough to make a dent in tuition, but at least it kept me fed for a few weeks. I also got to see a picture of my brain.

QJ201 09/17/2011 04:50 AM
I waited tables every Friday and Saturday night for 4 years wearing 4 inch platform shoes, tight mini dresses and big hair. I am a man.

Snowviewer 09/19/2011 08:06 AM
I drove a UHAUL truck twice a year from Colorado to Florida full of Coors beer that was not available to most of the country and sold it to various restaurants.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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21 Sep 2011 16:13 #2 by Grady
GI Bill, wife worked, and I worked summers as a "dock boy" rented fishing and ski boats, sold bait and lures, pumped gas, cleaned fishing boats. All and all a pretty good summer gig. :biggrin: Did a lot of waterskiing those summers.

That's me barefoot skiing in my avatar

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21 Sep 2011 18:46 #3 by jf1acai
Scholarship, savings, summer construction work, part time work during the school term. Bought an older trailer, errr, mobile home :wink: , roommate paid lot rent, we shared other expenses. Much cheaper than dorms or apartment. Bought used textbooks rather than new. Ate cheap lol , although we could never figure out how to make liver edible! :biggrin:

Oh, and the cheapest beer/wine available!


Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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21 Sep 2011 22:01 #4 by Local_Historian
Inheritance, student loans, work study in the computer labs, waitress, school bus driver. All rather boring.

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22 Sep 2011 10:23 #5 by FredHayek
I sold plasma and was in medical experiments, but that was mainly for beer money.

But I know one guy who afforded the considerable tuition at my religious, private university by selling drugs. (Pharmacy major, :wink: )

And my bookie paid his way through college taking bets from his classmates.
(He went on to become a Wall Street trader.)

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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22 Sep 2011 11:57 #6 by archer
My parents did the unthinkable, they saved enough money to send both my brother and I to college, not just any college, but a very good private university. we both worked summers and had small jobs at school....he did campus tours and paperwork for the admissions office and I worked in the campus library. I paid it forward by doing the same for my kids, both worked during college, but I paid their tuition and fees. My son made it out of college without any loans, my daughter who has 3 degrees and spent 6 years in college has only a $2500 loan, most of which is paid off. She did have to work a full time job (paramedic) while getting her last degree to keep up with the mortgage on her house and living expenses. It was my choice to give them that head my parents did for me.

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22 Sep 2011 12:04 #7 by LOL
Gas station attendant, Campus student security guard, and later engineering co-op student worker at a large defense contractor. Saved money from summer jobs. Paid tuition in full with help from parents, and several free semesters on an academic scholarship for good grades.

I think tuition was only around $750/semester at the University of Arizona in the mid 80's
I have no idea what I would do today, I would not borrow the money, no way.

If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2

Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.

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24 Sep 2011 13:10 #8 by Greenlady
Golly, I was planning to pay for my kids - is that unusual?

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24 Sep 2011 14:42 #9 by Hoot Owl
Dad said he would pay for 2 years, I got scholarships for the first year, he paid the next two. Then I asked him if he wanted at least one college graduate out of his 5 kids? He paid the last year. I got $50 a month for food and gas. The parents bought a mobile home for $5000.00. Sold it when I graduated for $5000.00. I had a roommate that paid the lot fee and utilities. I worked 1 summer as a forest service surveyor for free college credits and spending money

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24 Sep 2011 15:06 #10 by archer

Greenlady wrote: Golly, I was planning to pay for my kids - is that unusual?

I felt that paying for my kids to go to college was the best investment I could make in their, and my own, future. They are both gainfully employed, own homes, do not have mountains of student debt to deal with in this economy, and do not need any financial support from Mom. That makes life better for all of us.

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