I was hoping JF would respond quickly so that I could get in. He didn't answer his phone when I called and I saw that he was online.....Very secretive stuff. I don't like using his minutes up to chat with him.
No plug. Just using the forum to get info.
Looks like with the recent changes to 'security', I need to change the instructions for accessing the chat room through the DSV java client. I will try to do that tomorrow.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley
Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy
chocolove wrote: Ummmm I guess he can't remember that you have been in Texas taking care of your Mom, back here getting your business going again, daughter having a hard labor and new baby and one daughter missing.
Well, Connie. Since Becky was posting about the chat room on here I figured she had some time free.
You can also go to Startchat.net and access the chat room from there:
Yes, Wayne, she is finally a little free of some time working with her family so she wanted to get onto chat. We haven't seen her in chat in a long time and it was a welcome sight! Thanks for posting the starchat information. Some of us use Mirc to get into chat and others like dusty and I use Xchat (unless you are a non windows user...then it is free). Neither are free anymore as they used to be so pick and choose. Java is free but isn't near as friendly as far as I am concerned. It really depends on how often you want to utilize chat.
I'll be using the Chat Room to conduct a few classes on basic life lessons. I wanna teach important things that everyone should know but that they don't teach in school like, how to change your oil, how make a pizza, or how to replace the belt on your vacum cleaner. Tomarrow night at 9pm im hosting a syposium on "How to keep a wife happy" in the chatroom. Only married men please-