They used to throw mine around my driveway like a nurf football, finally they just gave up, if I could find my camera I would post pics on how I bear proofed my trash can, it was simple, and took about 10 minutes to do.
Just a heads up JMC.....One of our neighbors left their trash in their garage and a bear ripped their garage door off. LOL
This simply underscores the nature of the problem. If you have a trash can that is out of moded plastic or a dumpster that has a plywood reinforced top, it will nt keep a bear out if they want to get into it. Bear claws and strength will shred both just like they can shred aluminum cans. At best, it will discourage a bear to find an easier target. This is why the trash barrels in National parks are made of iorn. BTW one of the bears visiting our dumpster got PO and simply knoked a 4 cu yard dumpster on its side for easier access.