They can go suck it. You can't share, the price is the same now as a regular book and amazon can suck it too. No more discounts. I am not buying anymore books through amazon and I am not using or wanting a Kindle anymore. I want to be able to sell or lend my books.
I love my kindle...more than half the books I have were free...if my friends or family want to read the same books on their kindle they can get them for free too. I have bought a few books when they were first published and still paid 30% less than the hard cover. I would never have been able to assemble the same library of books that I have now without the kindle. No complaints from me on the kindle. I have the kindle app on my phone so if I get found waiting in a doctors office I can read the same book there as I am reading at home on the kindle.
You do have to watch what you are buying. Sometimes the printed books are cheaper, but I have got complete works of numerous older authors for pennies. My extends family still shares kindle books, we just give each other our passwords. A lot of trust there.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.