Insurance Co out to visit your home?

11 Jul 2012 11:45 #11 by deltamrey
Simply put
they are looking for a basis to jack up rates.

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11 Jul 2012 13:04 #12 by Lucky
Replied by Lucky on topic Insurance Co out to visit your home?
Mine came out a few years ago. No changes from them for a few years.But they now want 2k a year for a 295K policy with a 5K deduct.

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11 Jul 2012 17:18 #13 by Gracie
My insurance company did call and say they wanted to check home and property for wildfire mitigation purposes. This is the first time we have heard from them in almost 25yrs. We were not required to be here but were interested to hear what they had to say. We have a done a good job keeping 30ft around the house clear of trees, slash and other debris. Any trees within 50ft of the house have limbs trimmed to 10ft off the ground. Also were happy we did not stack wood under the deck as so many people do. We also keep the weed wacker busy keeping weeds down close to the house and the gutters clear of debris. They did send a letter several weeks later stating what we are doing right as well as recommendations on how to improve fire safety. They did take several pictures and sent a copy in the report. They did not like that we didn't have gravel around the deck supports. They also suggested we continue what we do every year-removing slash during slash removal weekends. Our home has wood siding and we would like to replace with fire resistant material but the cost is too prohibitive at this time.

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11 Jul 2012 18:25 #14 by HappyCamper
We had Farmers many moons ago when we lived in Jeffco and the month before we move they sent a new bill it was going to be $600.00 more.

We are now with Safeco we live in a larger more expensive house with they same type of coverage that we had on the home in Jeffco and we are still paying less than what that $600.00 jump would have taken us to.

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11 Jul 2012 18:32 #15 by LOL

Lucky wrote: Mine came out a few years ago. No changes from them for a few years.But they now want 2k a year for a 295K policy with a 5K deduct.

Yikes! That's pretty high, I pay a lot less (about 1/4) than that. You may want to shop around more and review what worst case coverage you really need.

A couple years ago they had my policy value way too high for what my house or crappy contents is really worth or to re-build, so I had them lower it. Remember the land is not insured, among other things like well and septic. Its only building replacement. Shop around.

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12 Jul 2012 08:23 #16 by mtntrekker
Whoa HC and Lucky. My mom only pays $500 per year and pays it all in one installment. Maybe all the mitigation and work we have done on her home? Wonder if she will see an increase. Will let you know when she gets her letter.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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12 Jul 2012 08:23 #17 by mtntrekker
Whoa HC and Lucky. My mom only pays $500 per year and pays it all in one installment. Maybe all the mitigation and work we have done on her home? Wonder if she will see an increase. Will let you know when she gets her letter.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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12 Jul 2012 09:19 #18 by HappyCamper
We did not pay the extra $600.00 we switched insurance companies.

Going on 10 years now in Bailey and we are still paying less for our insurance that what we did when we lived in Conifer and were using Farmers.

Shop around it might pay off.

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