Insurance Co out to visit your home?

10 Jul 2012 13:00 #1 by mtntrekker
Has a representative from your home insurance company been out to your home taking pictures?

Family received a letter that someone would be out. I guess my mom should call them cuz they can't see her home from the road and her community is gated.

Just wondering if anyone has had this done and if they send you a letter after or what?

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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10 Jul 2012 13:55 #2 by ComputerBreath
My insurance company paid me a visit a couple years ago. They did call and say when they'd be there and yes, I got a letter from them telling me my roof needed to be replaced and the out building behind my house, which was used to store trash in during the winter, had to be reroofed and resided.

This building was essentially a non-powered, non-plumbed old carriage house built when my house was built in the late 1800's or early 1900's. The insurance company determined it was dangerous and a instead of spending the money to fix it I just tore it down.

I got the letter in June and they told me I had until September to get the work all done...and this was the year it was still snowing in June. It is done now, but the insurance gal I dealt with was a tough nut.

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10 Jul 2012 14:02 #3 by mtntrekker
And your home did need reroofing CB?

Anyone have to do any wildfire mitigation? Curious if that is their primary reason these days.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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10 Jul 2012 14:05 #4 by cydl
Happened to us last year. We got a letter that they would be out to take pictures. Haven't heard anything since, but I noticed our bill went down a bit this past year. We have done a boatload of fire mitigation in the past couple of years.

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10 Jul 2012 15:16 #5 by mtntrekker
May I ask what kind of fire mitigation?

In the letter they didn't say anything about an appt., only that someone would be by to take pix. So maybe they stopped by and took pix cydl? So maybe one of the perks for doing wildfire mitigation is the lowering of the bill? That would be some incentive.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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10 Jul 2012 15:41 #6 by LOL
I took my own pics and emailed them to state farm when I first moved in. Haven't heard a peep from them since in 10yrs, but they are good at taking my premiums and raising the rates. Right now with 4 trees fallen in the yard they would probably cancel me. LOL

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10 Jul 2012 18:10 #7 by cydl

mtntrekker wrote: May I ask what kind of fire mitigation?

In the letter they didn't say anything about an appt., only that someone would be by to take pix. So maybe they stopped by and took pix cydl? So maybe one of the perks for doing wildfire mitigation is the lowering of the bill? That would be some incentive.

It's very possible that all they did was stop and take pix. I know too that we got some credit for being part of a Firewise Community.

We've cleared most of the Zone 1 area (~30') around the house - removed trees and shrubs and keep the grasses trimmed low. We need to expand that a bit on the sides, but the front and back are good. Replaced our old, wooden decking with fire retardent synthetic decking. We removed a bunch of trees on one end of the property that were too close to each other - both a fire danger in the event of a crowning fire and just plain better forestry as they were choking each other for light. We removed low-hanging branches on the pines that could have been set alight by ladder fuels.

This year we're hoping to get started on a rock border around the house - roughly 2' out around the house.

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10 Jul 2012 21:19 #8 by mtntrekker
Thanks cydl.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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11 Jul 2012 09:12 #9 by ComputerBreath
I live in Fairplay city limits, so fire mitigation isn't on the list as far as insurance goes. I have three different roof levels with two different styles of roofing on my house, and one of the levels definately needed to be replaced. The original letter told me to replace the roof and when I asked which one, I was told "the roof" took 3 or 4 phone calls to determine which one they meant and they wouldn't send me the photos they took to show me.

I did get an extension on the roof replacement due to the weather conditions.

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11 Jul 2012 10:20 #10 by cydl
LOL!! They were probably hoping you wouldn't ask and replace the whole roof! Those turkeys! rofllol

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