I visited Stanton State Park today. I was walking around the upper Davis pond just looking to see if I could see any fish. Instead I found where presumably some bait fisherman had sat and smoked up a storm. I found 6 or 7 cigarette butts all scattered in a small area. Some dumb A*& either didn't see all the fire restrictions or more likely didn't care, I'm betting on the latter because the smoker left their butts in a nice clean pretty park. I picked up all the butts I could find and carried them out to the trash. When I spoke to the ranger she indicated this is a continuing problem.
What the hell is the matter with some smokers? Inconsiderate A holes, nobody wants to see your nasty left overs scattered all over the ground, not to mention the fire danger. :bash :bash
Grady, I used to live in that cabin and we'd find all kinds of trash, butts, and fishing line from the sportsman's club guys who came up to fish. So sad how people have no respect. Thank you for cleaning up; I did the same last time I was up there a couple of weeks ago.
...can't wait for the campers to start coming. Yippee.
Another reason I'm against that park all...to...gether. Sorry man, not budgin' on this. I grew up in the neighborhood that is now inconveniently located basically at the fenceline of that "park."[sarcasm] So glad we got another place for people to congregate up here.[/sarcasm] Ditto on the campers too. My own KIN won't even try the argument man.
DavisRanch wrote: ...So sad how people have no respect....
Try "most" people DR. I've lived up here a long time and was GLAD when that whooooole area was closed to everyone but rangers. I've worked in there, slept in there and been nothing BUT respectful, but I think I catch yer drift. I'm gettin' reaaaaal sick and tired man.
KIND OF OFF TOPIC: A close friend of mine and I were visiting his brother down in Arvada for instance. Pulled into the Arby's by 69th and the person in front of me's passenger unwrapped his straws and blatantly threw the wrappers out the window. The guy was sweatin lookin in the sideview cause I had to try and wrestle my friend back into my truck before he walked up there to jerk the guy out of the seat. So yea, I'm not the only pessimist around, lol .
Edit: I would have except I'm predisposed legally and don't need any trouble.