To my Reublican friends

25 Mar 2016 12:01 #1 by Something the Dog Said
I occasionally post in several different boards, depending upon my mood and topic. Yesterday, I started a new thread in another board that shall be unnamed for purposes of this post. The thread dealt with whether there is a future for the Republican party based on the schisms in the party regarding their leading presidential nominees and how that might affect other elections now and in the future. There were several responses to my post, some agreeing and some disagreeing. When I later checked on that thread, I noticed I had misspelled Republican as Reublican in the title of the thread. I then edited the title to correct the spelling. Several hours later, I received this missive:

Your membership was disabled due to a thread you started in The *****. Specifically, your thread title was originally The End of the Reublican Party at 1:58pm, and you edited that at 6:36pm to The End of the Republican Party. This thread was removed and your account disabled.

Your membership has already received a 3 day suspension in December, 2015 for ***** Terms of Service(SToS). Your thread today is deemed another violation of SToS #13, as the political party name was deemed to be disrespectful, also a violation of SToS #1.

As a result of your post today, you are subject to an automatic one week suspension of your privileges on *******.

We trust this additional suspension gives you insight to how serious we are about the SToS and other terms on this site, but in the event you continue to ignore these after your account is activated you will be subject to further suspension or termination of your membership. Your feedback if any will be taken into consideration for your continued participation on *******.

Quote was edited to add emphasis and to remove any possible trademarks owned by the site operator.

My question to my conservative fellow posters is whether the term "Republican" is disrespectful and/or derogatory to you? Is the term "Reublican" more appropriate to your political party? I was unaware that the term "Republican" is considered disrespectful and will of course discontinue the use of this disrespectful term as I do not want to offend your sensibilities. I sincerely apologize if my use of the term "Republican" has hurt your feelings.

It is quite obvious that my continued posting on the other site in the future is very short term, as I find it difficult to post without correcting my typographical errors which appears to be a violation of their terms of service. Despite posting on that site for 14 years, with thousands of posts, apparently I have run afoul of a certain moderator who opposes my political and life viewpoints and is using their position to stifle opposing speech. I chose to share this particular issue as I find considerable humor in their justification.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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25 Mar 2016 13:14 #2 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic To my Reublican friends
I'm sorry that you've been punished STDS, but I too have to chuckle at their reasoning.

Every site has to decide what content to allow or not, how they will moderate, and how they will treat their members. What's great about having options is that you can choose which site to support with your postings, activity, and content. If you don't like how you are treated by a business, don't patronize them. It works that way for brick and mortar, it's the same with online/digital businesses too - your content/posts are their sales.

We are proud to say that we have yet to delete a post, lock a thread, or ban a member here. We have a pretty straightforward moderation policy and appreciate every one of our members for being a part of My Mountain Town! Hang with us, we're the fun bunch. :)

I hope this means we'll be seeing more of you around here Something the Dog Said!

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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25 Mar 2016 14:52 #3 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic To my Reublican friends
:??? Sorry you had to go through that, but it is funny. I don't care what you call me as long as you call me for dinner!

Personally I don't think the current Trump-mania will kill the party. If Watergate didn't do it, nothing will. It might be a good wakeup call that social conservatism isn't as popular with younger voters so a policy change may be necessary if they want to maintain their influence and power.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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25 Mar 2016 17:35 #4 by Blazer Bob
Replied by Blazer Bob on topic To my Reublican friends
Hey Dog, welcome to the club. In answer to your question, I do not find nor can I imagine how that could be interpreted as a slur.

You might be on someones s*** list or they could have just had a bad day. I have gotten warnings for some bizarre things. Including quoting part of their TOS back at them in public.

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25 Mar 2016 17:38 #5 by Blazer Bob
Replied by Blazer Bob on topic To my Reublican friends

FredHayek wrote: :??? Sorry you had to go through that, but it is funny. I don't care what you call me as long as you call me for dinner!

Personally I don't think the current Trump-mania will kill the party. If Watergate didn't do it, nothing will. It might be a good wakeup call that social conservatism isn't as popular with younger voters so a policy change may be necessary if they want to maintain their influence and power.

The republicon :moodexcited party is dead. Good riddance . Not because of Trump, he is but a symptom.

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26 Mar 2016 08:55 #6 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic To my Reublican friends

BlazerBob wrote:

FredHayek wrote: :??? Sorry you had to go through that, but it is funny. I don't care what you call me as long as you call me for dinner!

Personally I don't think the current Trump-mania will kill the party. If Watergate didn't do it, nothing will. It might be a good wakeup call that social conservatism isn't as popular with younger voters so a policy change may be necessary if they want to maintain their influence and power.

The republicon :moodexcited party is dead. Good riddance . Not because of Trump, he is but a symptom.

I think the party is in the beginning of a radical transformation, quite possibly about to split into a new 3rd party and a shell of what used to be the GOP. It'll be interesting to see what shakes out in the next several years (I also don't think things will calm after the election).

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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26 Mar 2016 18:47 #7 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic To my Reublican friends
I think people underestimate how much control the two parties have at so many levels of government. They decide who gets on ballots.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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28 Mar 2016 11:35 #8 by Something the Dog Said
No worries on the suspension or threat of termination, it is a trivial thing. I just thought the reasoning was sufficiently funny to be shared.

My personal opinion if Trump or Cruz are the nominees, a number of Republican voters will either vote for Clinton or stay at home. Since the Senate is in play with 24 of 35 senate seats being defended are Republican, and 7 of those are in states that President Obama won in 2012, it probably won't take much to for the Democrats to take the majority in the Senate, particularly if the Republicans do not turn out. Thus Clinton will be nominate 3 - 4 Supreme Court nominees during in her term (Scalia, Ginsberg, Breyer and maybe Kennedy) with young liberal justices. McConnell will likely once again as he has for the last 8 years, attempt to obstruct the advise and consent process which will cause the Democrats to use the nuclear scenario and get rid of the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees. Thus the Supreme Court will have a 6 - 3 liberal majority for the next 30 - 40 years.

The Republican party will be badly fractured between the Trump factions (white conservatives who feel disenfranchised by Republican leadership and the growth of power of minorities), establishment factions (donor class republicans who are more concerned with staying in power than in representing their voters - McConnell, Ryan, Romney, etc.) and the Freedom caucus (hard line right wing extremists who refuse to comprise - Cruz, Lee, Cotton, etc.). Since those schisms are being hardened, it could be decades before they are unified, if ever.

It is interesting to see what happens in the states. Republicans have taken a strong grip on most state legislatures and governorships. A number of those have enacted hard line conservative ideals with disastrous results, as shown in Kansas, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, and other hard red states. It is even to the point in Kansas where the budget deficits are so bad that schools are shutting down after Easter, and the entire public school program may be shut down next year if the legislature does not adequately fund it. Oklahoma ranked 48th in the nation in per student funding, cutting the tax rates on the higher income individuals while raising the sales tax rate to the highest in the country which affects the lower income individuals disproportional. Louisiana and Texas have also made deep cuts to k - 12 education and have the highest number of uninsured individuals in the country. California, on the other hand, with Democratic leadership, has seen great growth in their state economy and is significantly increasing spending on education in the state. If these trends continue, it will be interesting to see if red states will become more populist, rather than following discredited economic policies.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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28 Mar 2016 16:55 #9 by RenegadeCJ
Replied by RenegadeCJ on topic To my Reublican friends
Wow are so right in some ways, but so wrong in others.

Don't know what happens with Trump, who knows, but regarding Clinton, I can't imagine anyone moving her way. She is a liar, and if she wasn't a democrat, she would already have been indicted for her actions. I expect the democrat justice department to somehow avoid charging her, but I expect a lot of FBI agents who know the truth to leak things out at some point, and we will see what a criminal she is. Too bad the democrats haven't brought in anyone who will actually make our country in better shape, but no, we will likely see the criminal become president, and step on the gas to drive us over the cliff. Your example of California is crazy. They are taxing like crazy, and have no intention of dealing with their massive unfunded liabilities (typical for a democrat run state). Regarding funding per student, that is irrelevant. You can buy a home for $100k in can't compare their student funding to California where $500k buys a 3 bed, 1 bath.

I don't doubt that our entitlement society will continue wanting more from the treasury. You are correct there. But it won't make us better. It will destroy this country. Look at what the ACA has done....doesn't help jobs, that is for sure.

If Clinton is elected, and gets 3 Supreme court nominations, it will be devastating to the fabric of our country, and you can kiss the constitution goodbye. Of course, I know you favor that from our previous conversations, so that will be good for you. It will be interesting times, that is for sure. I just don't get how those who vote for the nanny state think things will be better. At some point, we run out of other people's money.

Too bad future generations aren't here to see all the great things we are spending their $$ on!!
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28 Mar 2016 17:23 #10 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic To my Reublican friends
Knowing Hillary, she will auction off the Supreme Court Justice spots to the highest bidders.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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