Per CDOT: crews will finally begin milling 2" down and laying 2" layer of asphalt on CO-74 between Evergreen Lake and CO-65. If the weather holds out, they hope to finish before winter. If it does not, they have identified the worst stretches and will focus on those. This work was supposed to be completed last year; however, the portion that involves minor widening to construct an 8 foot shoulder was adjacent to a historic open space and it took longer than expected to obtain approval to work into that space.
Please be careful of crews as they work and budget extra time to get through that stretch for the duration.
SH 74 OVERLAY - EL RANCHO TO EVERGREEN; MM 0.894 TO 6.720 The project will involve milling and paving 2.5 inches of HMA pavement on SH 74 from CR 65 to approximately MM 6.72. Bridges F-15-CZ and F-15-DA (MM 3.03) will have their expansion joints replaced. This project will also involve minor widening of SH 74 at MM 1.9 to construct an 8 foot shoulder where there currently is no shoulder for safety, about 9,300 CY of rock excavation.
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*Road Work Notice*
State Hwy 74 in Evergreen will be resurfaced the week of Monday Oct. 31 - Friday Nov. 4. Work will be done between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Please plan for intermittent lane closures and be safe if you plan to travel through this area.