Hardies. Avast! Halloween be on the Horizen! Our incredible WOW Trick or Treaters requested a way to help Will-O-Wisp Residents with the hundreds of happy goblins frolicking through the hood on Halloween night. The Pirate House provides a Candy Tote at the bottom of our driveway for those who want to help residents enjoy the increased candy need. ADULT Residents of WOW can then swing by the Candy Tote and pick up candy to hand out to Trick Or Treaters. I will place tote at the bottom of our driveway at the end of Sunlight lane by 2pm today and it will remain there during daylight hours until October 30th. I will post when candy arrives on both My Mountain Town and Pinecam. Disclaimer: Some folks thought last year that The Pirate House was asking for Donations. No. No No. We are not. Our treasure house is full of both candy and the joy we get in doing it. The Candy Tote was invented by our Trick Or Treaters that insisted on helping. No one has to donate. Thanks all! Oh and Happy Halloween!
The Pirate House. Yo Ho
"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill
There are a few more bags of candy in the tote for pick up and I would like to bring the tote in at 2. Come pick up candy and if you can, pass out a few bags to WOW neighbors. Thanks so much
Actually, I have TONS of Thank yous we need to say: The PCSD is always there which gives us a secure feeling, They hand out treats to the kids forming important relationships, keep the hungry bears away and the bad guys. They direct traffic and their patience is always above and beyond . We love that! Our Neighbors in WOW that we get to see and the support they show to the Community and put up with the traffic with smiles is awesome. Our Trick or Treaters that watch over the hood, donate candy, fix our broken stuff. ( It's hysterical that hubby and me, with no creative or talent ability try to pull it off) watch for safety issues and always have kind words. Lol. Thank you to all of you. It really does take a Community.