Hot August Knit Knook News!

18 Aug 2018 15:48 #1 by KnitKnook
Hello everyone!

With hot August weather comes hot, hot deals at the Knit Knook! We aren't participating in the Yarn Crawl this year but we are having an end of summer clearance sale on Saturday, August 18 and then from Monday, August 20th through Saturday, August 25th. When you visit and make a purchase, your name will go into a drawing. Each day we will draw a name at noon and the winner will receive a prize!

Monday, August 27th, 6:00-8:00 pm is Spin Night.

Tuesday, August 28th from 10-Noon is Christmas Club. There are no more seats available this year--sorry.

We are very excited to announce that we have a new spinning instructor. Karen will be offering classes in September. There are four different classes depending on your interest and skill level (see below for an explanation of each class). Sign up early--there is a lot of interest.

As your summer comes to a close, I hope you pick up your knitting and crocheting again to carry on the wonderful tradition of making handmade items.


Beginning Hand Spinning - 3 hours– This is an introduction to hand spinning. Hand spindle and some fiber will be provided. You will learn the basics of spinning and some history. You get to take your hand spindle and some fiber home with you to practice.

Breed Study/Fiber Prep – 3 hours- Karen will be bringing in different fiber and various tools used for fiber prep. You will learn about the characteristics of different sheep breeds, and will learn how to use combs, Hand carders, drum carders, and flicker brushes. If you already have any fiber prep tools, please bring them to class. An assortment of fiber will also be for sale.

Wheel Spinning – All Levels – 3 hours- Karen will provide some fiber, but you must bring a spinning wheel. You will learn about the different types of spinning wheels, and how to adjust your particular wheel to spin the type of yarn you want to spin. Basic drafting experience is helpful, but Karen will be able to take students with all spinning experience levels. There will also be some fiber for sale.

Next Steps in Wheel or Hand Spinning – 3 hours – Hand spinners and wheels spinners are both welcome, but need to provide their own wheel or spindle. Fiber will be provided, and will also be for sale. You will learn plying, different types of drafting, project planning, and how to use different tools.

Knit Knook LLC, 10903 US Hwy 285, Suite E202, Conifer, CO 80433
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