Jan Karpinski Kray posted this notice on our Facebook Page:
Case Type: Rezoning
Case Number: 19-100562RZ
Case Name: 28764 Wild Rose Drive
Where: 28764 Wild Rose Drive, Evergreen CO
General Location: near Evergreen Pkwy and Douglas Park Rd
Case Manager: Nick Nelson, 303-271-8727, nnelson@jeffco.us
Purpose: To rezone from Planned Development (PD) to a new Planned Development (PD) to allow for the future subdivision of the property into a maximum of 4 lots for single-family detached units.
Planning Commission: Wednesday, Mar 13, 2019 at 6:15 p.m.
Board of County Commissioners: Tuesday, Apr 09, 2019 at 8:00 a.m.
Public Testimony will be taken at these Hearings. In order for written comments to be included in the Staff packets that are provided to Boards/Commissions, please submit your comments at least one week prior to the scheduled hearing.
Location of Hearings: Hearing Room 1, 100 Jefferson County Pkwy., Administration and Courts Building, Golden Colorado
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Reminder: this hearing is scheduled for tomorrow night.
My Mountain Town Community Calendar
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Denial recommended on Hiwan Hills subdivision proposal
The Jefferson County Planning Commission unanimously recommended denial on a proposal to rezone property in Evergreen’s Hiwan Hills neighborhood, a move met with cheers from the crowd who vehemently opposed the proposition.
Fritsche and Mellen later proposed changing their application to subdivide into three lots instead of four. This decision and the conversation thereafter led to two executive sessions and a bit of confusion on the process.
Ultimately, however, the Planning Commission decided not to allow this since it would have been a significant change to the application, thus requiring additional public comment.
Though the Planning Commission recommended denial, the case now moves on to the Board of County Commissioners. The commissioners are set to make final decision during an April 9 meeting. All Jeffco BOCC meetings begin at 8 a.m. in hearing room one of the county building in Golden.
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