The first one orders 1 beer. Te next orders a half beer. The next orders a quarter beer. The next orders an eighth and so on. The bartender looks at them and says "You're all stupid." and pours two full beers.
ADDING to the is PI DAY, it is also the birth of Albert EINSTEIN and
the first year anniversary of the death of Stephen HAWKINGS.....3/14
homeagain wrote: ADDING to the is PI DAY, it is also the birth of Albert EINSTEIN and
the first year anniversary of the death of Stephen HAWKINGS.....3/14
homeagain wrote: ADDING to the is PI DAY, it is also the birth of Albert EINSTEIN and
the first year anniversary of the death of Stephen HAWKINGS.....3/14
THAT is just so-o-o it faux or a for real receipt? Would Love to meet the tipper.