"Sue Miner and her husband Craig,has for decades helped our community and has been there for a lot of us here in Bailey. Craig
had a heart attack on Wednesday October 30th and he went under the knife and had a 5 bypass surgery Friday.
She is the manager of Subway in Bailey and Craig has been working at a small engine shop in Conifer for a few years. They have been here for a lot of people in Bailey and beyond and it’s time we help them.
They are needing 5000.00 to make the deductible on their insurance this year, also, his truck is in the shop and they can’t get it out until they come up with around 2800.00, then they need to have a little more since he won’t be working anytime soon.
She helped for about 2 years twice a week bring the food up here when Frank and I had the food bank here in Bailey. She has been there for quite a few people when they needed help. I know personally she has touched a lot of people and we really need to come together and show her our love and appreciation. So please donate and get the word out there for more help.
This amount also includes the 2.60 for every 100.00 and .30 for every transaction for 3rd party payment.
I set up the fund raiser on Facebook so we could really get the word around to our community.
Thank you in advance for helping our beloved couple here in Bailey