Event Cancelations due to Coronavirus Precautions

12 Mar 2020 22:25 #1 by MountainTownAlerts
River Canyon Gallery:

Reception Scheduled for Saturday is Cancelled.
Out of an overabundance of caution, the River Canyon Gallery will cancel the reception for the New Gallery Artists/St. Patrick's Day celebration scheduled for Saturday, March 14, 2020 from 3 - 6 PM. We feel this is the responsible and prudent course of action. The gallery will remain open to our patrons."

Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Membership Meeting Canceled

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12 Mar 2020 22:38 #2 by MountainTownAlerts
Evergreen Chamber Orchestra's Spring Concert March 14 & 15
Manuel de Falla, Felix Mendelssohn, JS Bach

Greetings again, friends, fellow music lovers, and musicians,

We have made the painful decision to cancel ECO's Spring Concerts scheduled for this weekend, March 14th in Arvada and March 15th in Evergreen. The rapid development of COVID-19 cases in Colorado have spurred us to reconsider the position we stated yesterday based on updated guidance provided by the CDC, medical experts, and other reputable sources.

If you purchased a ticket in advance, we are currently offer the following options:

1) Keep your ticket - you can use it at any future regular-season ECO concert. We will also always be able to look up your purchase in our system, so you don't necessarily need to hold onto the ticket physically. If you purchased a ticket to one of our Spring Concerts, we'll be able to look it up and will honor that ticket purchase for any future regular-season concert.

2) Let us know you'd like us to consider your ticket purchase a donation.

As of this moment, we have not yet discussed plans to reschedule this particular concert. We may or may not have the opportunity to do so this season, depending upon how the situation unfolds from here.

Also, as of this moment, no further ECO events are cancelled. We will notify our community should we make the decision to modify, reschedule, or cancel any other concerts or events.

I am personally heartbroken to deliver this message to you. I can't even begin to convey the immense amount of diligent effort our musicians have put into this particular program - it is an extraordinarily challenging set of pieces and the orchestra had truly brought the music to a high level of performance.

With that being said, I am requesting your support. Please join me in making a donation at the link below to help ECO mitigate the financial impact of not performing this concert. Any amount helps - we're looking to raise $2,000 by the end of March.

ECO will be treating this situation as an opportunity to evaluate new means by which to share the wonder and beauty of music with our community.

Please do all you can to stay healthy and reduce your own risk during this difficult time.

I look forward to seeing you at one of our concerts once the contagion has subsided - ideally very soon.

Yours devotedly,

James D Spear
President | Board of Directors
Evergreen Chamber Orchestra

Make a Donation
Cash Donation
$10.00 - $5,000.00
Please help ECO mitigate the financial effect of the decision to cancel our Spring Concerts due to COVID-19.

ECO is currently seeking sponsors for the second half of our 2019 - 2020 Season. If you own, work for, or know of a business that does an awesome job in the communities we serve, we'd love to talk to you! Please click the link below to learn more and get in touch.

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12 Mar 2020 22:58 #3 by MountainTownAlerts
This was shared in the South Park Bulletin Facebook Group, but no confirmation by Park County School District Re-2 (it's not on their event calendar, however).

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12 Mar 2020 23:16 #4 by MountainTownAlerts
Park County School District Re-2 - Fairplay 13 mins ·
CHSAA has decided that there will be no sports practices or games until April 6, at the earliest.

Stay healthy everyone!
Spring sports and activities suspended until April 6

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13 Mar 2020 15:18 #5 by CHSM
Canceled - Let Women Vote!
Our program scheduled on 3/15 at 1pm has been canceled.

Stay tuned for updates - we hope to reschedule this fabulous program!

The Mission of the Conifer Historical Society and Museum is to share the region’s legacy by collecting, preserving and exhibiting historical and cultural materials.


Committee and Board Meetings
4th Tuesday of Odd Numbered Months (January, March, May, July, September, November). Volunteers, Members, Guests and the Public are welcome!

Become a member & save!!

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13 Mar 2020 15:22 #6 by CenterForTheArtsEvergreen

The health and safety of our patrons, teachers, and staff are of the utmost importance to CAE. With that in mind, we are choosing to follow the guidelines given by Jefferson County and the State of Colorado. We will be cancelling classes and closing the gallery to the public until the end of March. At that time, we will reassess the situation. This cancellation includes today’s Freestyle Friday event from 3-5 pm. We will make every attempt to reschedule all missed classes. Due to the complex and ever-changing nature of the situation, we will review all available information and send updates as we have them in the next few weeks. Like everyone, we are hoping this crisis will pass quickly. Until then, we all need to be diligent and do our part to stay healthy. We will miss seeing everyone, but look forward seeing your smiling faces soon! Thank you so much for your understanding and support.

With gratitude,


31880 Rocky Village Dr, Evergreen CO 80439
Open Monday-Friday 10 A.M. - 5 P.M.
Saturday 12 - 5 P.M.

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13 Mar 2020 16:31 #7 by ClearCreekCourant
Organizations announce closures due to coronavirus concerns

The school district and other Clear Creek organizations are closing or suspending programs and services in the wake of COVID-19, commonly called the coronavirus.

Clear Creek Schools will be closed for two weeks, which includes spring break, starting Monday.

By Corinne Westeman
Friday, March 13, 2020

The Clear Creek Courant is your source for local news, sports, events, and information in Clear Creek County, Colorado, and the surrounding area.
Clear Creek Courant | circulation@clearcreekcourant.com | 303-350-1030
P.O. Box 2020, Idaho Springs, CO 80452
Office Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
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13 Mar 2020 16:39 #8 by CanyonCourier
Jeffco Schools, other entities announce closures

Jeffco Public Schools will hold school remotely next week – March 16-20 – in an effort to protect students and faculty from transmission of COVID-19.

Furthermore, the county declared a local emergency and signed a disaster declaration, which allows it to activate response plans and makes Jeffco eligible for funds that may come available to assist with mitigation efforts.

So far, six cases of coronavirus have been detected in Jefferson County. Churches and community groups have been canceling and suspending programs. The Evergreen High School performances of the musical "Curtains" also have been postponed. The Conifer Historical Society canceled its March 15 event at the Little White Schoolhouse, and Jeffco Planning and Zoning canceled a March 17 community meeting about a rezoning proposal on Light Lane in Conifer.

Read more here: www.canyoncourier.com/content/jeffco-sch...es-announce-closures
By Deborah Swearingen
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Canyon Courier is your source for local news, sports, events, and information in Evergreen, CO, and the surrounding area.
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13 Mar 2020 17:42 #9 by EPRD
Starting Monday, March 16, Evergreen Park & Recreation District (EPRD) will be closing all facilities (BPRC, WRC, Evergreen Lake House, EPRD Admin Office, and Park Operations) to the public. This means all classes, public meetings, and programs including Spring Break camps are cancelled/postponed during this time. We are working to reschedule programs to the best of our ability and will contact those participants when plans are finalized.

With this unprecedented health situation, EPRD is being proactive and following along with the school district to create social distancing and prevent community transmission. There have been NO confirmed COVID-19 cases at EPRD. During this closure, EPRD staff will be taking this time to deep clean our facilities so we will be ready to go when we re-open. Our anticipated opening date will be Monday, March 30. We will provide updates on our website.

We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding during this time.

Ellen O’Connor Board of Directors
Executive Director- EPRD EPRD

For more information on the Coronavirus, please visit:

Center for Disease Control (CDC): www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov

Colorado Dept. of Public Health & Environment: www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/2019-novel-coronavirus

Jefferson County Public Health: www.jeffco.us/3999/Coronavirus-Disease-2019-COVID-19

EPRD Transfer, Refund, and Credit Policy

Evergreen Park & Recreation District (EPRD) was formed in 1969 to serve the park and recreation needs of the communities of Evergreen, Bergen Park, Indian Hills, Kittredge and Marshdale. EPRD serves approximately 23,000 people residing within its boundaries, and offers affordable recreational options to non-district residents. Learn more at www.evergreenrecreation.com/
Evergreen Lake House Phone: 720-880-1300
Boating/Skating Hotline: 720-880-1391

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13 Mar 2020 18:03 #10 by ScienceChic
All PCSD1 facilities will be closed Monday, March 16- Sunday, March 29. Parents who need to get their student’s medication from school sites should make arrangements with building leaders to retrieve it on Monday, March 16.

PCSD1 is unable to replace core instruction and special services with online learning and services due to issues of capacity, equity and access. Individual teachers may reach out to students to suggest extension/reading activities.

Any questions can be sent to Mike Schmidt, PCSD1 Superintendent, at mschmidt@pcsdk12.org
PCSD1 To Close All Facilities Starting March 16

Dear PCSD1 Families and Staff:

As I stated in last night's communication, it was our intention to reassess the District's operations at the end of business today. Based on information provided to us this afternoon from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), PCSD1 schools will be closed for two weeks in an effort to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

PCSD1 will be closed beginning on Monday March 16, 2020 through Sunday, March 29, 2020. At the end of this period, we will reassess the situation to see if students and staff should return on March 30. Currently, we plan to return to school on Monday, March 30.

The closure allows us to do two important things: clean our buildings and help to prevent the spread of disease. Please note that PCSD1 has zero confirmed cases of COVID-19 at this time. This closure is in response to new information provided to us by CDPHE and is being made out of an abundance of caution to help prevent and/or slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community, especially to those who are most vulnerable.

This closure includes all events scheduled at District facilities during this time-frame.
All buildings, including the district office, are included in this closure. As a reminder, when schools are closed, Deer Creek Preschool is also closed. Parents of preschoolers will receive a credit for next week's closure and also for any closure that extends beyond March 29.

Parents who need to get their student’s medication from school sites should make arrangements with building leaders to retrieve it on Monday, March 16. Medication must be signed out to a parent and cannot be sent home with a student. Students, staff and parents will not have any building access during the closure. Only authorized personnel will be able to access school facilities during this time.

PCSD1 is unable to replace core instruction and special services with online learning and services due to issues of capacity, equity and access. Individual teachers may reach out to students to suggest extension/reading activities.

We will continue to monitor the situation as we learn more about the COVID-19 outbreak and as we evaluate our ability to safely reopen our schools. More information is available on the District website.

I am proud and appreciative of our staff and their continued support of our students during this unsettled time. They have shown themselves to be leaders and remain committed to putting students first.

I am also grateful to our community for its ongoing support of the Platte Canyon Schools. While this is a time of unparalleled uncertainty, I know that we will get through this together.

Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns,
Mike Schmidt
PCSD1 Superintendent

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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