Before officially applying for a Rezoning process, an applicant is required to hold a Community Meeting to discuss their proposal directly with the local community. It is the responsibility of the applicant to arrange the Community Meeting, and at least 14-days notice of the Meeting must be given to the local community in accordance with the County’s Public Notification Process. The
Community Meeting Process Guide
is a resource to help applicants plan and execute a Community Meeting.
While large gatherings are not allowed due to the COVID-19 virus, Community Meetings will be held virtually. Applicants will choose an online meeting tool, such as Skype, WebEx, Zoom, Microsoft Teams or another program. Notification will be sent out in the same way it was before the closures.
If you are worried about your ability to participate or need extra guidance, please reach out to the case manager for assistance.
Upcoming Virtual Community Meetings:
21-118635CMT: 945 Nob Hill Road
Community Meeting to discuss a potential Rezoning to add additional residential and commercial uses. Case Documents
The applicant will present their case, followed by a brief staff presentation about the County processes involved. These presentations will be followed by a question and answer session.
Applicant: Jeanne Shaffer, AICP, PMP, Director of Entitlement Services, Chadwick Land Use Entitlements
Case Manager: Dylan Monke, email Dylan here or call at 303-271-8718
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