Public feedback: Jeffco Community Wildfire Protection Plan & Emergency Annex

12 Sep 2024 00:50 #1 by MyMountainTown
Jefferson County has begun collecting public feedback on updates to the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) and the Evacuation Annex (EA) included in the county’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP). Both of these Plans are associated with the Together Jeffco process that began in March 2023.

Both the CWPP and EA have been developed with input from multiple county partners and will play a critical role in the county’s wildfire and emergency response. The CWPP identifies specific wildland fire risks facing communities, neighborhoods, and other essential values and offers prioritized recommendations to reduce those risks. It is developed in collaboration with state, and local governments, local fire departments, federal land management agencies, and other partners. The EA is a plan for how to conduct evacuations for all types of hazards identified in the CEMP.

These documents will:
  • Identify and prioritize areas for hazardous fuel reduction treatments based on modeled fire risk, values of concern, and other factors across the county
  • Recommend types and methods of treatment for land managers and private homeowners to protect at-risk communities, individual homes, and essential infrastructure.
  • Recommend measures to reduce home ignitability throughout at-risk communities
  • Recommend and outline county investments and programs to build capacity and expertise to mitigate fire risk, assist community members and partners in wildfire preparedness, and develop county-wide programs to assist landowners in becoming wildfire aware.
  • Provide overarching guidance for the development of all-hazard evacuation plans prepared and maintained by local jurisdictions
  • Outline strategies, procedure recommendations, and organizational structures that can be used to implement a coordinated evacuation effort.

Public feedback is due September 22. Documents and feedback forms are posted at .

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