The rare few are able to learn from stories of negative results.
A minority are able to learn from personal observation of a negative result.
The rest have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln
Personally, I think if we had MORE Jeffco, Parkco, and CO state troopers giving out tickets and just having more of a presence people would slow down and be less aggressive. I've called multiple times about drivers who are clearly distracted or drunk - never once have gotten a follow up. Why do we not have more law enforcement around? I'm not saying it will prevent, but the more people see it the more apt they are to slow down and pay attention.
So sad. I know I've been driving with white knuckles moreso than normal.
Hate to be the bad guy, but the Universe has a place for those that aren't really needed on earth at this time. Sort of global cleansing.
When you gotta go you gotta go no matter what age.
I spend a lot of time driving on 285. I am glad to see more cops out here, maybe folks should hang up and drive or just pull over if it is that important, don't know how many times I've went to pass someone going 30 in a 55 only to have them get of their phone and go the speed limit or more