Agreed, the forest needs it, well is fine.
Less than 4" I've heard, and that is just a pain in the a$$, go for 1' or more, tan I don't drive down the mountain.
Martin Ent Inc wrote: we are above the snowpack norm even if it doesn't seem like it. Prolly have a rainy spring/summer.
Yes & NO. Although statewide we are above normal, some 'local' sub-basins like Bear Creek (50% of average) and the North Fork of S. Platte are not even close to "normal". I would not rely on a wet summer. I'd prefer to have more of it on top right now.
Historically, snowpack in this 'local' area has been decreasing over the past few decades. Peak runoff has occured earlier over this time as well.
Here is the Colorado Division of Water Resourses website. Don't look at streams that have water augmentation (like N. Fork of S. Platte via Roberts Tunnels) or controlled dam releases for historical flow data as this is misleading.