I am gonna bundle up and head on down to Pine Grove Saturday. Got my ducks all decorated. Am I gonna see anyone I know/don't know? :party :Eating: :sunrain: :music:
I'll be there, rain or shine. My sister is visiting for vacation all the way from Alabama so she'll head down there with me for the pancake breakfast. I doubt we'll be there late enough for the duck race, but pacamom I hope your ducks take 1st prize.
I don't know if there will be any rhubarb pies for sale (sounds like JeffCo is cracking down on items being made in non-certified kitchens) but I know they go fast in the morning. I plan on getting one this time.
I'll be working at the TSAC booth from start until late morning. Please stop by and introduce yourself if any of you make it to the festival.
The Viking wrote: I might go. I am going to see if I can work the Pinecam booth if they have it.
Actually, I think TSAC still shares a booth with Pinecam at these events so guess I'll be working for both. I'd love to have you join us. I'll even show you the ropes!