I doubt it buddy. But at least they are happier now. I can't afford 3 more--I already have 5. But I have plenty of hay for them for awile. We'll take some over and put it under the tarp and let the neighbors feed it until it's gone. Then we just get more. It's all good I guess and hey, I won't be in jail alone, right?
I'm able to sleep at night and happy knowing they aren't famished. We just can't dump feed to them, they can't take it and we don't want sick horses. Next thing is hoof care. Those feet are appalling. And the place is a sty. Filthy doesn't actually cover it. They've eaten their barn and their fencing in search of feed. How far do we push it?
Thank you to all the neighbors who care enough to help these 3! Especially, D, J and the other D.
I think writing this "gentleman" a letter pointing out what he owes each of you for the care and feeding of his horses - especially if you can get a lawyer to write it for you - may bring the point home.
So I got a call today from a Park County official regarding this. I had sent an email over the week end.
Finally, I feel like someone in a position of authority is listening and is willing to delve into the situation a bit deeper. She was very nice, very helpful and very understanding. I let her know of all the support you all have offered and in turn, I offered that help to the owners if they need it. We may need to put our money wher our mouths are and if so, I'll put a plea out for help with fixing their fences, providing vet and hoof care and some hay until the owners can reassume responsibility. If indeed the situation is due to hardship and is temporary.
The downside of the neighborhood taking such great care of these horses is that in doing so, we've alleviated the owner's responsibility. And, the horses are all much happier, brighter and yes, even a little fatter.
Just wanted to let you all know and I'll keep you posted. Thank you for caring and being here for them!