Local Residents Supporting Small Business Local Restaurants
EVERGREEN, COLORADO, UNITED STATES, March 1, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Local benefactor produces and promotes video to rally local residents for Evergreen Mountain Area (Evergreen and Conifer) small business local restaurants.
Over 100,000 local residents have watched the video and are rallying to save their small business local restaurants during this challenging time.
Local restaurants of The Bistro at Marshdale, Creekside Cellars, and Scooter’s Smokehouse Grill BBQ participated in the video production to give their heartfelt thanks for the local residents and all they have done and asking for their help to get through the winter and spring.
Pete and Wendy Mosior just could not sit idly by and watch these great restaurants be destroyed and driven out of business. Out of their own pocket the produced a video of support and a rallying call for small business local restaurants. They have tirelessly worked to build support across the Evergreen Mountain area just 30 miles west of Denver in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
“We just had to do something. We could not just watch our local restaurants through no fault of their own be driven out of business. We hope this video promotion will inspire others to rally to save our local restaurants.”
Pete and Wendy Mosior
“Without support of Pete and Wendy Mosior and other local residents it would be impossible for us to still be in business. We are so grateful for their support.”
Alison Garrett, Owner, The Bistro at Marshdale
“Pete and Wendy Mosior have been godsends for us and our small business local restaurant. We cannot make it without the local support that they are leading for us and the community.”
Mike and Kathy Barnette
“We are a small community, and we are fighting to continue to serve our community and its residents. We are grateful for Pete and Wendy Mosior’s efforts to rally around us. Thank you.”
Michelle Cleveland, Winemaker, Creekside Cellars
Evergreen Mountain Area (Evergreen and Conifer) Background Links:
Research on Restaurant Closings:
Fortune Magazine on January 26, 2021 states that over 110,000 will close with 2.5 million jobs lost
News Provided By
SEO Forensic Marketing
March 01, 2021
Contact: Jerry Nichols
Phone: 720-779-2752
Cell: 720-491-1969
Address: 1200 17th Street, 27th Floor, Denver, CO 80202