I do not think I can embed this video and I think it stinks that I have to write something about it. So I will try and cheat the system and quote someone else regarding the video at the link.
Comment:"from KABC-TV in Los Angeles from last week (just 2 minutes long), about how the Los Angeles Unified School District shut down a girls softball tournament because they didn’t have the proper permits. This tournament has been run on school grounds for several years with just verbal permission from school principals, but this year the tourney was informed that it needed a permit. Only one problem: when they applied for the permit, they were told that they were too late to get one. Apparently it was impossible for any of the six-figure educrats at LAUSD (they have something like 200 administrators in the school bureaucracy in LA who make over six figures) to expedite a permit. So instead they sent one of their educrats to shut down the tourney while it was in progress on Martin Luther King Day (no irony here). Watch the educrat explain (or rather not explain) to the TV reporter that he had to shut down the tourney,"