Isn't it time to take money out of the NCAA. Pay these coaches a real world salary, reduce seat prices to cover facility costs, stop using the sports programs as revenue for these so called places of higher education, and take away the incentive for schools to want to engage in bribery and corruption.
That'll just bouce the corruption and money laundering down to the high school level. The line between professional and amateur sports has to be drawn somehwere. I'm for keeping college sports on the amateur level; but maybe doing away with the NCAA.
Maybe they just need to divide the schools into actual educational facilities like Air Force Academy and football/basketball schools like Duke. Er, that didn't come out the right way.
Personally I am all for them letting the student athletes work or even get paid by the school, regular students on education scholarships are allowed to work, why not athletes.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.