The Knights of Columbus at Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Church will be serving a fish dinner on Friday March 20th starting at 5:30 pm in the Parish Center (until 6:45 pm). Tickets are $9.00 for singles or $25.00 for families if purchased in advance (by Wednesday before the Fish Fry) or $10.00 for singles or $27.00 for families if purchased at the door.
MENU: Battered fried and baked cod, homemade corn muffins, tater tots, green beans, homemade coleslaw, and a veggie tray. Tickets can be purchased after Masses or you can contact the Parish Office at 303-838-0338 to reserve your spot.
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The Knights of Columbus at Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Church will be serving a fish dinner on Friday March 20th starting at 5:30 pm in the Parish Center (until 6:45 pm). Tickets are $9.00 for singles or $25.00 for families if purchased in advance (by Wednesday before the Fish Fry) or $10.00 for singles or $27.00 for families if purchased at the door.
MENU: Battered fried and baked cod, homemade corn muffins, tater tots, green beans, homemade coleslaw, and a veggie tray. Tickets can be purchased after Masses or you can contact the Parish Office at 303-838-0338 to reserve your spot.