COFA Denver Area Monthly Breakfast July 2nd, 2022, 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Breakfast meeting at Denny's in Lakewood
This is a great way to meet the COFA ministry team and make some new friends while having breakfast.
You can learn more about COFA and its future events for 2022. We have some exciting events to announce for men, women, kids, and families. You'll get updates on the COFA National ATV ride in July, the National Fall retreat, and fishcamp in Bemidji, MN. There are some exciting updates on the women's hunt. You'll learn more about the upcoming Free Kids Paper Turkey Target shoot. Please join us for breakfast, and invite your family or friends to join you.
If you have any questions you can call Mike at 303-880-9878, or Leslie at 303-909-3707.
You can also visit our Facebook Page for future events, or follow us on Twitter and Instagram. You can visit COFA's website at
July 2nd, 2022 8:00 AM through 9:30 AM
LAKEWOOD, CO 80228-1202