COFA Breakfast Saturday, June 3rd, everyone is welcome!
We'll be having our Breakfast meeting at Golden Corral in Sheridan, from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM. Address: Golden Corral, 3677 S. Santa Fe Dr, Sheridan, CO 80110
With summer around the corner what a great way to meet the COFA ministry team, learn about upcoming events, and make new friends while having breakfast. Golden Corral has a buffet that is great for the entire family.
You'll learn more about COFA and its future events for this summer and fall. We have some new and exciting events to announce for men, women, kids, and families. We have added kayaking, several kid's events, Dutch oven classes, and several outdoor seminars. COFA has 4 major National events updates to share with you.
If you have any questions, you can call Mike at 303-880-9878 or Leslie at 303-909-3707. For more information about COFA go to
Last edit: 29 May 2023 16:32 by MyMountainTown. Reason: fixed typo in title