This is a FREE kids event on Saturday, Nov 11th, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
How would you like to get your (boys and Girls), grandkids, friends kids away from their electronics on a Saturday morning on November 11th? The morning will be filled with a chance to win a frozen turkey and other prizes at the BB gun shoot, or climb an 8-station rock climbing wall, shoot archery at a 6-station archery lane, and make leather crafts in a large craft room. You don't have to bring a thing, just your kids; how does that sound for a fun Saturday morning? Parents can visit with other parents while their kids are enjoying a morning of fun just for them.
Please pass the word and poster on to anyone you know who has kids; the address is listed on the poster. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 303.880.9878 or Leslie 303.909.3707