MALT is pleased to announce that Lynn Caligiuri has recently joined our staff as the new Development Director.
Lynn moved to Evergreen, Colorado with her husband and 13 year old son in December after living on the Delmarva Peninsula in Delaware and Maryland for most of her life. Lynn received her Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, and for almost twenty years was Campaign Finance Director for U.S. Congressmen Wayne Gilchrest and Frank Kratovil.
More recently, Lynn was the Outreach Coordinator for Queen Anne's Conservation Association (QACA) in Centreville, Maryland. QACA is the Eastern Shore of Maryland's oldest land use and conservation organization, and for six years Lynn managed donor outreach, communications, budgets, finance and advocacy for the association. In addition, Lynn has worked with the Maryland League of Conservation Voters on special event fundraising, and has managed the political fundraising campaigns of numerous state and local candidates.
She and her husband are avid hikers and lovers of the outdoors and enjoy spending their free time exploring the wonders of their new home in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
Please join us in welcoming Lynn and her family to the area.
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