"Thank You Note to TSAC from Afghanistan! Post Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:10 pm
Oh my, Big Time poster!
Oh my, Big Time poster!
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Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:13 pm
Posts: 4408
Most of you pinecammers already know that Troop Support Action Committee (TSAC) has been supporting various American military units working in dangerous active combat zones.
Currently we are pleased to be supporting about 200 (+/-) USAF troops (men and women) working to keep combat aviation assets up in flight status supporting front line Americans ground troops working with Afghan National Army (ANA) fighting Taliban and Al Queda insurgents.
Air operations are currently at a very high level so this unit is working hard to keep this support ready and available.
TSAC has been able to send quantities of comfort and snack items which are shared across all branches of these aircraft maintenance teams.
We have great email contact with one of the troops who volunteered for the additional task of communicating with TSAC and updating us of the wants and needs of this unit.
This helps us to focus the items we ship in APO Flat Rate to more closely ship what is most valuable for all of these troops.
Today we were at the Bailey Post Office and found a hand written Thank You card addressed to TSAC!
That TSAC can bring smiles to troops working in the relatively miserable conditions of combat fulfills our mission.
When we get a letter such as this (below) we nearly get tears of joy in our eyes!
Please remember that TSAC is only a "conduit" for the goodies we are able to send.
Those snack and comfort items really come from YOU, our most generous mountain community!
For that support, TSAC THANKS YOU!
TSAC also has to express deep gratitude to pinecam.com for a recent generous cash donation.
That particular cash was converted into 40 12oz bags of Kona Blend coffee sold to us below cost by Luna Gourmet Coffee and Tea Company (formerly Boyer's Coffee) and shipped to our doorstep at their expense!
(Note - TSAC had this exact "deal" when we were supporting a Navy SEAL Team deployed in 2015. They were "crazy" about that coffee!)
You really can NOT imagine what happens when our supported units open a box to find this coffee!
Then - they get to taste it in their coffee mugs!
My final comment is a reminder that TSAC keeps a "donation box" just west of the front door of King Soopers in Aspen Park.
This box is suitable for collecting snack and comfort items which TSAC will forward to supported units.
Cash donations are used primarily for postal shipping expenses and, just occasionally, for specialty goodies like the coffee mentioned above.
Checks should be payable to TSAC and mailed to TSAC, P.O. Box 1238, Bailey, CO 80421-1238.
You, too, can be responsible for many smiles in a place where those are in short supply!
Thank You!
Life is TOO SHORT to drink CHEAP BEER!