CO Gives Day December 6, 2016 - 24 Hours to Give Where You Live Mountains

17 Nov 2016 20:35 #1 by EvergreenChristianOutreach

Want to give back. Make a difference where you live.

Our mountain community is home to many nonprofit organizations which enrich the lives of local residents by providing services ranging from after school and adult educational programs to healthcare assistance, food banks and other social services, cultural enrichment and much more. These groups rely on the generosity of donors and volunteers alike for support, and again this year, a group of mountain area nonprofit organizations have joined forces to promote awareness of Colorado Gives Day—an annual, statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy through online giving. These groups are encouraging people to make online donations on Tuesday, December 6, which will directly impact the organizations that people in this community rely upon for assistance, entertainment and inspiration.

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29 Nov 2016 08:49 #2 by CenterForTheArtsEvergreen
For the seventh year, Community First Foundation and FirstBank will present Colorado Gives Day on Tuesday, December 6, 2016. This annual statewide movement celebrates and increases philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. The $1 Million Incentive Fund created by the partners is one of the largest gives-day incentive funds in the country.

Last year, Center for the Arts Evergreen brought in more donations than ever, and we hope you will support us again this year. We have so many exciting things planned for 2017, including a big move to our new building at the old Bergen Park Church location.

Schedule your donation today:

31880 Rocky Village Dr, Evergreen CO 80439
Open Monday-Friday 10 A.M. - 5 P.M.
Saturday 12 - 5 P.M.

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29 Nov 2016 16:53 #3 by CHSM

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration.

Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday has become a movement that celebrates and supports giving and philanthropy with events throughout the year.

To get the most out of today, please consider scheduling your Colorado Gives Day donation to the Conifer Historical Society! With so many amazing Non-Profits participating in #COGivesDay, why choose us? Well, we are the keepers of Conifer's original Area Junction School House. The unique Little White Schoolhouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Your donation preserves this local treasure!

Here’s what you do.
  • Click Here to get to our ColoradoGives page.
  • Fill in your Donation Amount.
  • Click the CO GIVES DAY Button for the Donation Type – this is the really important part!
  • Fill in the rest of your Donation Details. Click the ADD TO CART button.
  • At the next screen click the CHECKOUT button. Sign-in or Sign-up for your account.
  • Complete the Checkout process.
  • Enjoy a nice tax deduction come January!
Donate Now for #COGivesDay!:

The Mission of the Conifer Historical Society and Museum is to share the region’s legacy by collecting, preserving and exhibiting historical and cultural materials.


Committee and Board Meetings
4th Tuesday of Odd Numbered Months (January, March, May, July, September, November). Volunteers, Members, Guests and the Public are welcome!

Become a member & save!!

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05 Dec 2016 10:35 #4 by BootstrapsInc
I told myself I wasn't going to do this - you know, send that reminder email about Colorado Gives Day, the one you've received about a dozen times already. I understand how overwhelming it can be to receive so many emails, all asking for your support, because I receive them, too.

But then the little voice inside my head said, "What if someone thinks Bootstraps is not participating in Colorado Gives Day because you didn't send the email?"

Obviously, the little voice won. If you choose to make a gift to Bootstraps on Colorado Gives Day, there will be many grateful high school seniors in May 2017 who will be pursuing their educational dreams because of your generosity. You'll also receive a phone call from me to thank you.

Thank you for your support!
Colleen Skates
Executive Director

PS: You can schedule your donation now to occur on December 6th, Colorado Gives Day. Click here to schedule your gift.

PPS: Bootstraps will receive a boost from the 1stBank $1 million incentive fund for gifts made via on December 6th, including those scheduled in advance.

Since 1945, Bootstraps has awarded more than $3.1 million in scholarships and interest-free loans to over 1,100 students!

Click here to Donate

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05 Dec 2016 11:02 #5 by Drive-Smart

Car crashes in the U.S. are a leading cause of death for children 1 to 13 years old. In 2012, 37% of the children killed in a car crash were not in a car seat, booster or seat belt. The same year, 284 children's lives were saved by child restraints. At DRIVE SMART, our mission is to save lives by reducing traffic-related fatalities. DRIVE SMART has certified technicians who would love to help you properly install your safety seat. Financial assistance is available to ensure families in need get proper car seats for their children.


DRIVE SMART has completed more than 2500 Child Safety Checks, donated more than 500 booster and car seats to families in need, and hosted Child Passenger Safety presentations to almost 30,000 children to date!

Visit our website to learn more about this and DRIVE SMART's many other programs

DRIVE SMART is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing traffic-related fatalities and injuries. We accomplish this by developing solutions to transportation safety issues and changing driving attitudes and behaviors, in partnership with schools, businesses, civic, community and government agencies.

Please help us continue saving lives with a donation on Colorado Gives Day. You don't have to wait until December 6 -- schedule your donation today and take advantage of the $1 Million Incentive Fund that will add $$$ to your donation.


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05 Dec 2016 12:26 #6 by TheVenueTheatre

The Venue Theatre is proud to collaborate with and support many local non-profits. In December alone we are hosting events that support Harmony Hills Academy, The Conifer Historical Society, The Mountain Resource Center, and The Mountain Peace Shelter. Please consider giving to The Venue Theatre this Tuesday, December 6th for Colorado Gives Day so that we can continue to provide excellent theater and life education to local youth and to support our local non-profits.

The Venue Theatre is a non-profit children's theatre that is run by one full-time and four part-time paid employees and volunteers. With a 40% increase in enrollment over the past few seasons, The Venue is at a crucial place where we are needing to add more resources including directors, assistant directors, technical assistants, and rehearsal space. In order to accommodate our growing number of students and continue to serve our community, we are in need of financial support more now than ever. Our board of directors has pledged a $6,000 matching donation if we receive $6,000 in public funds in addition to pledging to match the $750 that our high school students have committed to donating - learn more by watching the video below. Please consider gifting to The Venue Theatre on Colorado Gives Day. You can schedule your donation for December 6th today! Thank you!


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06 Dec 2016 11:09 #7 by MountainResourceCenter
Thank you for your support of Mountain Resource Center.

West Jefferson, Park, Clear Creek and Gilpin counties

Basic Needs & Crisis Assistance, Advocacy, Food Pantry, Financial Coaching, Workforce Services, Two-Generation Family Education, Parents as Teachers Home Visitation, Mental Health Services, Veteran Support, Healthy Living Programs, Public Benefits Application Assistance ... and more to help our neighbors become self-sufficient and restore their sense of pride.

Your donation to Mountain Resource Center and "neighbors helping neighbors" goes further on Dec. 6 thanks to the generous incentive from Community First Foundation and FirstBank.

Donate today by clicking here !

Last year, your generosity helped Mountain Resource Center provide over 18,000 services to 3,150 people in the communities of West Jefferson, Park, Clear Creek and Gilpin counties. The needs are greater than ever as costs increase for childcare, food, clothing, utilities and housing.

THANK YOU for helping us reach our goal of raising $25,000 on Colorado Gives Day.

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06 Dec 2016 17:55 #8 by PeaceWorks
PeaceWorks, Inc. would like to extend our appreciation, gratitude, and thanks to all our community partners, volunteers, and donors who have supported the Mountain Peace Shelter. We would like to extend Special Thanks to the Rotary Clubs of Conifer and Evergreen, Conifer, Platte Canyon, and Evergreen Chambers of Commerce, Evergreen Elks, Evergreen Newspaper, Moore Lumber, Jefferson Unitarian Church, Bear Creek Design Center, Pleasant Park Grange, Sunrise Reiki, Shur-Sales & Marketing, and Burland HOA for their support. It is a blessing to be surrounded by a community that supports our efforts towards ending Domestic Violence… THANK YOU ALL!!!

Over the last 30 years, PeaceWorks, Inc. has been honored to help individuals and families of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking find safety, hope, and healing in times of personal crisis.

Colorado Gives Day is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. For the sixth year, Community First Foundation and First Bank are partnering to present Colorado Gives Day on Tuesday, December 6, 2016.

Please consider supporting PeaceWorks, Inc. - Mountain Peace Shelter – on Tuesday December 6th by using to make a one time donation or schedule a reoccurring donation.

This special day of giving through Colorado Gives offers incentives for Non-Profits to earn more through any donations given or scheduled for that day.

Colorado Gives Day is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. For the sixth year, Community First Foundation and First Bank are partnering to present Colorado Gives Day on Tuesday, December 6, 2016. Colorado Gives Day, Dec. 6th is a SPECIAL Day of Giving with incentives for Non-profits to earn more through any donations given or scheduled for that day.

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06 Dec 2016 18:10 #9 by CenterForTheArtsEvergreen
From the CAE Staff and Board, we sincerely thank you for you consideration. We want to take a moment to let you know how much we appreciate your support.

With the help of donors and sponsors like you, we provide:

12 exhibitions in the main gallery and satellite galleries promoting local arts
Classes in all mediums educating hundreds of children, teens, and adults
Grants given to local schools to support their art education programs
Over 20 free lectures and performances each year
Partnerships with other organizations to bring special programs such as arts and music festivals

We ask that you consider donating as part of Colorado Gives Day on December 6th. Your support will help us continue to enrich and serve our mountain community by bringing the arts and community together.


31880 Rocky Village Dr, Evergreen CO 80439
Open Monday-Friday 10 A.M. - 5 P.M.
Saturday 12 - 5 P.M.

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06 Dec 2016 18:14 #10 by EvergreenChristianOutreach

EChO helps provide households with nutritious food to feed their families; offers hope and resources to struggling seniors, individuals & families; and funds educational programs and services to help mountain neighbors move from crisis to sustainability.

EChO needs your financial support to continue our good works. Please consider a donation to Evergreen Christian Outreach (EChO). Together we can restore hope and change lives.

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