As we reach the end of the year, we'd like to invite you to review our accomplishments and consider the Friends of Staunton State Park if you have any last-minute charitable contributions you need to make. Everything we've accomplished has been thanks to your help and we have much more to get done! You can donate online
here on our website
anytime. We deeply appreciate your support of our mission and look forward to a fantastic new year!
2018 FSSP Accomplishments
Track Chair Program:
Paid for Program Manager position
Purchased Mark 3 - third Action Trackchair for Staunton State Park
Purchased backpack and poncho for Mark 3
Made seat belt for Mark 3
Purchased new batteries for both Mark 1 and 2
Purchased new plastic wheels for Mark 1 and 2
Purchased new tread for Action trackchair backup
Purchased tool for adjusting track tension on Action trackchairs
Purchased chargers for 3 radios
Made a foot support for small people to use in Action trackchair
Purchased materials for Action trackchair garage (insulation and drywall)
Purchased surge suppressor for Action trackchair garage
Purchased additional padding for small people
Received $2,000 grant for purchasing adult booster car seat for small people to use Action trackchair
Designed and Printed 2,500 Action trackchair brochures
Designed and Printed 1,000 Action trackchair promo business cards
Provided gift cards for top Action trackchair volunteers
Raised $6000 at Mark Madsen Accessibility BBQ
Sponsored three groups of underserved participants with disabilities from Hills-Inc to be able to hike and fish at Staunton, utilizing $2000 grant from Partners in the Outdoors Conference
Park Support:
Continue to update info on Friends' Facebook page and website
Funded Elk Creek school trip
Purchased chain saw to assist with park fire danger reduction through mitigation and trail cleanup
Paid for mounting of mountain lion for park educational team
Printed 2,500 Davis Ponds Interpretive trail brochures
Designed, printed and mailed 250 each of two marmot post cards
Designed and printed 250 2019 calendars
Purchased new tent for Friends to be used at park events
Funded Blaine cabin roof restoration through grant
Purchased bike bells for Staunton to loan to mountain bike riders through $4000 grant
Provided food for volunteer appreciation cookout
Participated in Staunton State Park's Marmot Fest
Participated in Colorado Parks & Wildlife's Partners in the Outdoors conference
Attended Jefferson County Good News Breakfast