Mountain Connection is delighted to join As we support each other, no doubt we can help each other, too. As the publisher of Mountain Connection I have an active blog accessible at [url=" onclick=";return false;][/url]. I'm happy to give your business promotions and news a little more visibility. You can email me at
or go to the website, click on my blog at the top right of the homepage and "comment." It might get you a little more exposure for free.
I'm hoping Mountain Connection can be added to your posted list of business partners with our website linked. That would be helpful to the Mountain Connection. Let me know how Mountain Connection can help all of you or some of you individually.
Jacqueline Scott
Mountain Connection publisher/owner
[url=" onclick=";return false;][/url]
Mountain Connection's purpose is to support local nonprofits, so far donating more than $89,000 in cold, hard cash to local help agencies. And we try to help build community. We are a platform for local residents to write and publish their community-building, personal stories. Mountain Connection is mailed free to about 22,000 homes and businesses (varies according to advertising dollars) every month.
So thank you for loving us. We are only as interesting as the community, and only as helpful as our readers and advertisers. Without you, we cannot exist.
So if we can help, just let me know. Remember, you an upload your stories and news at [url=" onclick=";return false;][/url]. Click on my blog and comment.
Jacqueline Scott
Mountain Connection
[url=" onclick=";return false;][/url]
Welcome Jacque! I love the Mountain Connection. By the way... Willie the EAPL Lab mix, after having his story published in the Mountain Connection he found his forever home. Thanks for all you do!
Welcome Mountain Connection! Nice to have you here. Great website too--I'd never been to it before. I've always liked your paper and what you do for the community!