Get Paid to Get Tested at Jefferson County Public Health June 29th

23 Jun 2022 16:23 #1 by Mountain-News-Events
June 23, 2022


Noella Rios
Public Affairs Manager
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Nikki Wellander
Senior Media Specialist
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Get Paid to Get Tested at Jefferson County Public Health
Learn Your HIV and Hepatitis C Status at Testing Event on June 29 in Lakewood

Jefferson County, Colo. — With rates of many sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) on the rise across the county and state, including HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV), it’s more important than ever to know your status. That’s why Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) is asking all residents who may be at risk of HIV or HCV to get tested as soon as possible. In honor of National HIV Testing Day (June 27), JCPH is hosting a special testing event to kick off a summer of promotion of sexual health and ongoing efforts.

The testing event at JCPH will be held on June 29, 2022, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at our clinic in Lakewood (645 Parfet St.). Food, water, shade and gift bags will be provided to those who come to get tested. To help underline the importance of knowing your status, JCPH is providing a $10 incentive for each HIV test, and incentives may be available for HCV testing. Rapid results will be provided within approximately 30 minutes onsite. Testing for other STIs will also be offered upon request.

“Our team is excited to offer this all-day testing event for our community, because knowing your status should be easy and accessible for all people,” said Max Johnson, Harm Reduction Supervisor at JCPH. “Unfortunately, we know that more and more people in our community are being affected by HIV and HCV each year, and it’s important to make sure that anyone who could be at risk finds out and receives necessary treatment quickly. We’re here to help people through the entire process, from testing to diagnosis to coordination of care.”

Since 2013, the rate of HIV new infections diagnosed in Colorado residents has maintained a steady increase through 2019, rising from 7.0 new infections per 100,000 population to a high of 9.6 new infections per 100,000 population. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not recommend using 2020 data to illustrate trends, and data for 2021 has not yet been released. Using data from the CDPHE 2019 HIV Surveillance Report, it is evident that Black/African Americans and Hispanic/Latinx share an increasing burden of disease compared to White, Non-Hispanic Coloradoans. In addition, in Colorado, acute Hepatitis C cases have been increasing since 2013. Cases among men have increased 100% over a 4-year period (2016-2019). Cases among women have remained steady over this same time period.

While anyone in our community can be at risk of contracting HIV or HCV, regardless of lifestyle, sexuality or identity, there are some individuals and populations who have higher levels of risk and who have been disproportionately affected.

Highest risk for HIV:
  • Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men, in particular Black, Latino and American Indian/Alaska Native men
  • Black women
  • Transgender women
  • Youth aged 13–24 years
  • People who inject drugs
  • Individuals who have had unprotected sex with one or more partners since their last HIV test
  • Individuals who have been diagnosed or treated for another STI

Highest risk for HCV:
  • People who had blood transfusions, blood products, or organ donations before June 1992, when sensitive tests for HCV were introduced for blood screening
  • Health care workers who suffer needle-stick accidents
  • People who inject drugs
  • Infants born to HCV-infected mothers
  • People with high-risk sexual behavior, multiple partners, and sexually transmitted diseases
  • People who snort cocaine using shared equipment
  • People who have shared toothbrushes, razors and other personal items with a family member that is HCV-infected
  • People who have been diagnosed with HIV
According to, approximately 1 in 8 people in the U.S. who have HIV don’t know it. About 40% of people who have chronic Hepatitis C are also unaware, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For both illnesses, the only way to know your status for sure — and therefore, to get critical treatment to help manage (or even cure, in the case of HCV) the disease — is to get tested.

To help ensure as many people as possible have access to these potentially life-saving services, JCPH will continue to offer STI testing, including HIV and HCV, during regular clinic hours on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Getting tested at JCPH is quick, easy and judgment-free. No insurance or ID is required, and our sexual health services team can provide rapid results to HIV and HCV tests within minutes. Incentivization for HIV testing will continue until further notice. To find out if you qualify for an incentive for HCV testing, ask your public health nurse.

At the same location as our sexual health clinic, JCPH also offers the Points West syringe services program, appointments for routine vaccination (including COVID-19 vaccines) and support for families with young children through WIC. In addition, our clinic is conveniently located along local public transportation routes.

If you are traveling to us by Light Rail:
Take the W Line to the Oak Street Station. Walk west on West Rail Road, then take a left on Quail Street (South). Next, take a left on 8th Avenue and then a right on Parfet Street. Walk south until you see the Jefferson County Public Health sign on the right. This route is about 1 mile and a 20 minute walk from the station.

If you are traveling to us by bus:
RTD Route #100 runs right in front of our building. Catch the 100 and get off at the Parfet Street and 6th Avenue Frontage stop. Head north on Parfet Street and turn left at the Jefferson County Public Health sign.

To learn more about sexual health services at JCPH, please visit our website.

About Jefferson County Public Health

Public health is what we do collectively to prevent illness and premature death and promote health in our neighborhoods and communities. Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) is a nationally accredited health department committed to promoting and protecting health across the lifespan for all people through prevention, education and partnerships. To learn more about JCPH visit . You can also follow JCPH on Twitter @JeffcoPH, Instagram @JeffcoPH and Facebook @jeffcopublichealth.

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