Don't go all the way to town for classes and activities to do with your infants and toddlers - Wendy Westwood brings classes that incorporate music, movement, gross & fine motor development, vestibular stimulation and bonding between parent & child right into Aspen Park at Peak Academy of Dance!
Sign up before August 27, 2012 to get
20% OFF
the first session tuition!
There are 3 classes available:
Groovin' Baby (non-mobile): A 45 min class for infants aged 12 weeks old to crawling that includes activities that stimulate and help develop body and spatial awareness. Babies socialize while their adults sing them songs, play music and dance with them and explore the equipment set up just for them. This class runs in 10-week sessions. Groovin’ baby is designed to stimulate non-mobile babies to develop their sensory awareness and interaction. We work on developing eye tracking, muscle tone, texture awareness, massage, vestibular stimulation, tummy time and bonding between parent and child through music, movement and specialized equipment. Parents are actively involved with their child and will learn songs and techniques that they can take with them to use at home throughout their child’s infancy.
Movin' Baby (mobile): Movin’ Baby is a 45 min class for crawlers that gives moving babies a chance to practice their skills and interact with others. Throughout the class they have time to play with purpose specific equipment and musical instruments while they develop their body, spatial and tactile awareness. Socialization for parents and children plays a key part of this class. This class runs in 10-week sessions. Movin’ baby is designed for babies who are on the go! When the infant starts to bum scoot, commando crawl or crawl on all fours they are ready to explore their world in a whole new way. Movin’ Baby allows them to climb up and down, move over and around different objects and develop their newfound sense of space. We work on developing eye tracking, muscle tone, texture awareness, massage, vestibular stimulation, and bonding between parent and child through music, movement and specialized equipment. Parents are actively involved with their child and will learn songs and techniques that they can take with them to use at home.
Boppin' Toddler (walking to 3yrs): Boppin’ Toddler is a 45 min class for kiddos who are walking independently and starting to work on skills like jumping, changing direction, following instructions and sequencing tasks. Throughout the class they have time to play with purpose specific equipment and musical instruments while they develop their body, spatial and tactile awareness. Socialization for parents and children plays a key part of this class. This class runs in 10-week sessions. Boppin’ Toddler is designed to provide guided movement and musical stimulation for kiddos who are learning what their legs and bodies can do. Boppin’ Toddler allows them to climb up and down, move over and around different objects and develop their newfound sense of space. We work on developing sequencing (dances and instructions), eye tracking, muscle tone, texture awareness, massage, vestibular stimulation, and bonding between parent and child through music, movement and specialized equipment. Parents are actively involved with their child and will learn songs and techniques that they can take with them to use at home.
for more info