20% off for MY MOUNTAIN TOWN, please mention this when we work out a price quote for your Driveway...
I have about 30 years experience running a SKID LOADER, I am currently rocking this sweet CAT 246D, and I am available each Snow Storm to come dig you out. I live near the top of Conifer Mountain, so anywhere on Conifer Mt. or Kings Valley. I can dig you out of our biggest snow storms, 6 or 7 feet, NO PROBLEM. Please give me a call or a message if you want me to come look at your Driveway, and I can accept CASH, or PAYPAL, VENMO, etc... Please give me a call.
Bill the CAT MAN (303) 378-6486
UNFORTUNATELY, ONLY PLOWING/DIGGING CONIFER MOUNTAIN and KINGS VALLEY. I don't own a truck / trailer setup, so if I cant drive the loader to you, I can't help you.
IT IS SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!! Calling me is by far the best way to get me to come dig, I can not read PMs while in my Loader.