It is hoped that you have signed a Buyer Agency contract with a broker that you know and love.
The Listing Contract is only with the broker himself or herself, it does not bind the whole brokerage. The place is not "listed with ReMax" it is listed with "Joe Lister" and so everyone in ReMax can represent YOU as a buyer agent except, obviously, Joe Lister. The managing broker of ReMax may DESIGNATE which named broker assists which party, and still supervise both brokers in that singular transaction.
However, before we go on from the word "obviously," please let me mention that when I was licensed over a decade ago, the State had adopted a former mechanism whereby we served as "DUAL AGENTS" which is exactly the same as representing both the husband and wife in a divorce proceeding. Since many transactions are concluded "in house" and that is the HOPED-FOR OUTCOME when the listing agreement is signed, the State has legitimized the Broker (we call him or her the TRANSACTION BROKER) whose duties are to the Transaction as opposed to one of the parties (we call the buyers' real representative acting under a written contract the BUYER AGENT, and not a Transaction Broker, ALTHOUGH THEY PAY THE VERY SAME AMOUNT AT CLOSING AS A PERCENTAGE OF THE COMMISSION BEING PAID TO THE LISTING AGENT (and read this next part carefully) FROM THE SELLERS' PROCEEDS but WITH THE BUYER'S PURCHASE MONEY).
Whether you ask Sellers or Buyers, they will both tell you they are paying all of the brokerage commissions, and be right every time. The funds are taken from the Seller's net proceeds at closing, and paid to the Listing Agent, who distributes a percentage portion to a second broker if there is one. The BUYER has brought in ALL THE DOLLARS, every cent, so who is REALLY paying for the commission? naturally I will tell you, BUYERS are, as a portion of the purchase price, and that explains why so many SELLERS are unable to get rid of their places later since the notion is that they will automatically inflate beyond that percentage rate, and that may not be actually the case in Real Life at all, so they can end up stuck very easily in this process.
Upon the advent of Transaction Brokerage, brokers stopped saying I LIKE TO WORK FOR YOU and started saying I WOULD BE HAPPY TO WORK WITH YOU, as a way of expressing whether or not there was a signed Listing or Buyer Contract in force and effect. If you have noticed this change from your friendly broker, that is not your imagination as we do not work FOR you but ASSIST you unless there is a signed contract, and the law keeps us from doing anything else but that.
Please be sure to let me know if any of this confusing information is still unclear, and meanwhile forgive me and yourselves for having to untangle it! however, this is the outcome of the Ralph Nader Age in which Consumers were finally given bargaining strength against the industrial pressure of commerce, and as we have seen in recent times, there is a Finite Value to what we purchase, that results in a false inflationary amount instead, unless it is established on some finite basis. So going next, here is my lecture on that.
INSPECTIONS are built into
every Contract for Purchase and Sale, which essentially says the following:
I WILL BUY THIS PLACE AS I CAN SEE AND HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT IT IS! and FOR THE AMOUNT I AM AGREEING TO -- UNLESS IT HAS SOME FLAW that I don't know about yet and/or could not see before. I will personally take on the responsibility for discovering that flaw by the date set forth for INSPECTIONS TO OCCUR and if I don't complain to you about anything by then, then Never Mind about my right to inspect, the place is cool and I will see you at closing with the green stuff in my hand, please have the key and we will bid one-another farewell.
IF IT HAS A DEFECT that I discover during the process of inspections, then I will tell you that I am either bidding you farewell right now because I am totally turned off, ew! or giving you a chance to correct that, according to my AND MY LENDER'S satisfaction, and by the date set forth by the Inspection Resolution Deadline. If we do not agree, our contract will fail and I will expect my earnest money back, otherwise it is a prepayment of the purchase price and assuming all is well, I will see you at the closing and pay you the balance of what I owe under that contract of ours.
YOU CANNOT SELL the place to anybody but me, so long as we have an active contract in place whereby I can buy it if it meets with my approval, and that is what my earnest money represents in this transaction. If the deal is a Go, that money pre-pays the purchase price and only the balance is due at closing (plus title insurance and other things that BuyersAgent may discuss later on,
we sure hoped not!) and if the deal is NOT a Go, then it is to be returned to the Buyer or with any excuse for that not occurring being expressed in writing and on time, so that the earnest funds cannot be "stolen" by an uncooperative seller or broker.
Inspections are not just physical improvements, they include zoning, sanitation, title, boundary and ALL OTHER ISSUES that cannot be determined by your standing on the deck. And even those that you can! for instance, are you SURE that driveway is really attached to that deck? ME NEITHER! but I do not represent the Seller so have no information but 100% of the duty to tell you what YOUR RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES are under this contract that I am helping you execute....and the first thing I will tell you is, I know a lot of good attorneys who would be delighted to advise you in connection with this contract -- and still leave your wallet intact,
how's that?
In Colorado, under the customary model form of standard Contract, the BUYER CAN FORCE THE SELLER TO SELL while the SELLER CANNOT FORCE THE BUYER TO BUY, BUT CAN ONLY KEEP THE EARNEST MONEY.
A view is GREAT, a solid purchase is more the objective so all those who have had Buyer's Remorse at some point (or know someone who has), please be aware of LIMITED INVENTORY and of the obligations of LIFE you may be assuming by moving forward without ALL your ducks lined up behind their Mom.
Bailey will boom soon! and she will stand on HER REAL VALUE and not what is North or South instead. As some of us are downright committed to our high peaks and valleys, our grand views and horses, and
to the Pulse and Heartbeat of Home.
My clients are, blissfully, generally still PUT and happily so, which is the BEST success for any exclusive buyer agent and especially me, loving my Home so much I couldn't wait for others to share it along with me, after all, these Grand Vistas in my eyes are WAY TOO BIG for them, and mine can only see or love so much, as I've learned that
even I am a Finite Resource.