If you'd like to be notified when there is a wildfire, a traffic accident, or a new weather forecast for our area, please Subscribe to this forum by clicking on the button right below New Topic.
You will only receive an email when a new topic or reply is posted in this forum only, so your inbox won't get over-run (unless there's a big incident) and you can turn it off and back on easily anytime by clicking on that same button again.
Alternatively, we also have a function that allows you to Receive Emergency Email Alerts - these are alerts that we send out ONLY when there is a big emergency, like Hwy 285 being closed near C470 or a Level 2 or 3 Evacuation being implemented for a fire.
These benefits are available to anyone who is registered as a member; you don't have to be an active member and membership is free so you get all the benefits!
If there's anything else we at My Mountain Town can do for you, please contact us anytime by sending us a PM or email at
. Thank you!