Jeffcosheriffco @jeffcosheriffco 3m
Fire in #jeffco being named #LillisLaneFire. #jcso going door to door to a few homes for immediate evacs. Air support ordered.
Jeffcosheriffco @jeffcosheriffco 11m
Fire in Coal Creek Canyon in #jeffco. Level 1 evacs. to 920 phones in Ranch Elsie area. BE READY TO LEAVE!
Listening to the door-to-door reports, there are several people not home, and they can hear dogs inside. They are discussing bringing animal control in and forcing windows or doors to rescue them.
One lady refuses to leave her home because she just had facial surgery and doesn't want anyone to see her. OMG. Sorry, that's ridiculous! I'm mentioning this, not to encourage an off-topic discussion here (feel free to start another thread in the Campfire and continue to discussion), but because I want to emphasize that while you have the right to refuse to leave, it's absurd that you don't and I'm sure those first responders have nightmares about you burning to death in your stupidity. Listen and LEAVE!
Are you going to maintain this thread? I already started one... do you want me to continue on here?
Sorry Walt, I didn't see your other thread, I'll merge them.