Elk Creek Fire Protection District Declares Local Disaster Emergency

14 Mar 2020 14:13 - 15 Mar 2020 09:18 #1 by ElkCreekFireDepartment



14 March 2020

Media Contact:
Elk Creek Fire Public Information Officer
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Elk Creek Fire Implements COVID-19 Specific Protocol and Closes Fire Department Building to the Public

Out of our commitment to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and to keep our first responders and community members safe and well, Elk Creek Fire is implementing a COVID-19 specific protocol and closing our fire stations to the public. This will take place immediately.

New Protocol and EMS Precautions:

Jeffcom 911 dispatchers are using screening protocols to identify patients with potential COVID-19 symptoms. If COVID-19 is suspected, responders will limit exposure as much as possible and then determine whether transport is needed.

What you should expect if you call 911 with potential COVID-19 symptoms (fever and a cough or difficulty breathing): First responders may arrive in your driveway but not immediately get out and come to your house. It is possible they may call you on the phone first. Responders will limit exposure by initially utilizing only one EMS provider to make patient contact. This provider will be wearing extensive personal protection equipment such as a gown, mask, goggles, and gloves. Providers may stand several feet from you at first, conduct limited contact, and may ask you to wear a mask.

Patients who present with low acuity/mild symptoms will be encouraged to stay at home and self-treat.

Patients with high acuity who need transport to the hospital will be treated as appropriate and transported in an “exposure reduction ambulance.” The hospital will be notified early during transport to allow time for preparation.

Elk Creek Fire has set up a dedicated “exposure reduction ambulance”. This ambulance will only be used for patients who are suspect for COVID-19. The ambulance’s interior is lined with plastic. In the event of a transport, the plastic will be removed, and the entire ambulance will be decontaminated after the patient arrives at the hospital. It will then be lined with new plastic.

Closure of Fire Department Building to the Public:

The closure of Elk Creek Fire buildings means that all public meetings, gatherings, classes, and tours are cancelled. This includes previously scheduled CPR classes. The station is also not open to public walk-ins for general information. If you arrive at the station for an emergency, please ring the doorbell or call 911 from your phone or the red emergency phone located near the single grey door closest to the main entrance.

We understand this closure may cause some inconvenience, and we ask for your support and understanding as we take measures to protect the larger community.

The Fire Department remains staffed by first responders and administrative staff. Personnel remain available to address all emergency response needs. If you have general business inquiries that need to be addressed by our administrative staff, please contact the administrative office at 303-816-9385 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In the event of an emergency, call 911.

At Elk Creek Fire, the health and safety of our community members and of our first responders is, and will remain, our number one priority. We are closely monitoring for changes and new information. We will continue following the suggestions of public health officials and our medical directors as we navigate this rapidly-evolving situation, and we will implement necessary measures to protect our responders and the public from the risk of exposure.

Please watch our social media sites for updates as well as continued education and safety messages regarding COVID-19.

For up to date information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, go to coronavirus.gov .


In case of emergency, please dial 911.
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20 Mar 2020 20:21 #2 by ElkCreekFireDepartment

In support of our local community and our first responders, Elk Creek Fire Protection District is declaring a Local Disaster Emergency as of today, March 20, 2020 in response to the World Health Organization-declared pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19 or Novel Coronavirus). Please see the full press release at the bottom of this post.

What does this mean for ECFD and the community?

Currently, the declaration does not significantly alter day-to-day operations. What it does do is make state and federal funding available to increase resources and aid in response as needed.

Elk Creek Fire Protection District will maintain, and sometimes increase, its current precautions:

We continue to implement strict protocols for medical response.

Emergency medical providers will now wear masks, goggles/glasses, and gloves on nearly all medical responses.

You will see us maintaining distance from ALL patients early on in order to assess for COVID-19 like symptoms, no matter the nature of the call (with obvious exceptions in the case of life-threats, cardiac arrest, etc.)

Our fire stations remain closed to the public.

Please remember there are ways you can help us stay safe and ways you can help prevent the spread of the disease within the community:

Please BE HONEST with 911 dispatchers and us about your symptoms. If your life is in danger, you will be treated. We need to know what is truly happening in order to best care for you, ourselves, and the entire community.

Continue to practice social-distancing and heed recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as any national/state/local mandates.

Wash your hands OFTEN with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth, nose.

Stay home when you are sick.

PLEASE remember: If you have non-life-threatening flu like symptoms, please stay at home, self-treat, and contact your PCP before calling 911. Help us keep protecting the entire community.



20 March 2020

Media Contact:
Bethany Urban, Public Information Officer
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Elk Creek Fire Protection District Declares Local Disaster Emergency

In support of our local community and our first responders, Elk Creek Fire Protection District is declaring a Local Disaster Emergency as of today, March 20, 2020 in response to the World Health Organization-declared pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19 or Novel Coronavirus).

COVID-19 continues to pose an imminent threat to life and public health. This local disaster declaration will not immediately affect the day to day operations of the Elk Creek Fire Protection District, however, it allows the district access to available state and federal emergency response funding and resources.

“It is of utmost importance that the District can maintain emergency preparedness, acquire needed equipment, and help minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the health of our community members and first responders. As the COVID-19 pandemic grows, this declaration allows us to be ready in terms of both resources and staffing. We are taking the necessary actions to help promote community safety and to protect our first responders and the public.” (Fire Chief Jacob Ware)

Fire Chief Jacob Ware exercised his authority as the principal executive officer of the Elk Creek Fire Protection District to declare a local disaster within the boundaries of the District for the next seven (7) days. Subsequently, the Elk Creek Fire Protection District Board of Directors will extend the declaration; it will remain in effect until further action of the Board of Directors.

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In case of emergency, please dial 911.
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20 Mar 2020 21:00 - 20 Mar 2020 21:18 #3 by MountainTownAlerts
From Foothills Fire & Rescue:

Evergreen, CO March 19, 2020- Foothills Fire Protection District, serving the Lookout Mountain, Mount Vernon, and Idledale communities, today declared a local disaster emergency within the District due to the World Health Organization-declared pandemic of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19 or novel coronavirus).

Fire Chief, Alan Anderson, exercised his authority within the boundaries of the District to ensure fire department emergency preparedness and to minimize the impact of Covid-19 on the health, safety, and welfare of the people located within the community.

“Our goal in declaring this local disaster emergency is to access federal funding that is available. This funding enables Foothills Fire Protection District to continue purchasing industry standard personal protective equipment (PPE) for volunteers and paid staff. The declaration also allows us to implement emergency rules and procedures specific to this new and evolving situation.” stated Foothills Fire Chief, Alan Anderson. “We are taking all actions necessary to ensure we have a robust emergency plan in place to promote safety within our community throughout the duration of this pandemic.”

The local disaster declaration within the District shall initially extend from March 19th through March 26th, 2020. The Foothills Fire Protection District Board of Directors may meet in a special meeting to extend the declaration as needed.

About Foothills Fire Protection District
Foothills Fire & Rescue is a 1997 consolidation of three fire districts:
• Lookout Mountain Fire Department
• Idledale Fire Department
• Mount Vernon Fire Department
The District has five firehouses to protect 25 square miles of varied terrain, from newer subdivisions with hydrants to heavily forested rural areas with domestic wells. Foothills is also responsible for responding to motor vehicle accidents on nine miles of I-70 and incidents in Denver’s 2,400-acre Genesee Park and 200-acre Lookout Mountain Park, as well as Jefferson County Open Space in Clear Creek Canyon

For more information visit our website at

Foothills Fire Protection District Contact:
Alan Anderson - Fire Chief
Phone: 303-526-0707 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Media Contact:
Adam Goldman - Public Information Officer
Phone: 303-526-0707
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20 Mar 2020 21:18 #4 by MountainTownAlerts
From Evergreen Fire Rescue:
In support of our mountain community, EFR is implementing a local disaster emergency declaration as a result of the COVID – 19 outbreak. This local disaster declaration allows EFR access to available state and federal emergency response funding and resources.‬

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20 Mar 2020 22:36 #5 by MyMountainTown
And North Fork Fire's Local Disaster Emergency Declaration:

Proudly serving mountain Jeffco, Clear Creek & Park County!
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21 Mar 2020 17:57 #6 by MountainTownAlerts
From Platte Canyon Fire Protection District:
Yours as well as our safety and health is top priority. Therefore PCFPD is implementing a local disaster emergency declaration as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.This declaration will allow us to access available state and federal emergency response funding & resources.

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24 Mar 2020 17:05 #7 by MountainTownAlerts
Declaration of Special District Disaster Emergency from Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District

Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District has declared a local disaster emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic, noting potential human and economic impacts on the district due to the current health crisis. The declaration gives Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District potential access to local emergency funds, Federal and State assistance, and adjustments to policies, procedures and ordinances during this challenging time.

The declaration, issued by Board President Mike Swenson, has been filed with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder and the Office of Emergency Management. Commenting on the declaration, Swenson said, "As with all First Responders, Inter-Canyon is on the front lines of the battle to slow the spread of COVID-19. While the District is prepared to the extent that we can be, we face many unknowns in the days ahead."

According to Chief Skip Shirlaw, Inter-Canyon has issued a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. “We are working each day to help our members be prepared. Since we rely on the expertise and dedication of this great team of firefighters, EMTs and Paramedics, we must protect their safety as well as the safety of those in our service ares. Our preparedness plan details actions in the event of potential member exposure as well as large incidents or exposure within Jefferson County,” Chief Shirlaw said.

Typically, no federal reimbursement is allowed for costs incurred prior to the date and time of a local disaster declaration. Costs potentially considered for reimbursement after such a declaration typically include costs for additional decontamination supplies, medical supplies and personnel. The declaration also activates participation in local and state emergency response plans, gives legal justification for accessing the TABOR emergency fund monies, and can also give the Fire Chief greater delegated authority to develop and implement certain policies.

Assessing today’s situation, Chief Shirlaw said "The volunteer firefighters, EMTs and paramedics of Inter-Canyon continue to respond to emergencies and currently have adequate supplies of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).


Why has ICFPD declared a disaster emergency?

As with all First Responders, we are on the front lines of the battle to slow the spread of COVID-19. While we are prepared to the extent that we can be, we face many unknowns in this battle. The declaration of disaster emergency gives Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District potential access to local emergency funds, Federal and State assistance, and adjustments to policies, procedures and ordinances during this challenging time.

Is ICFPD prepared for this impending battle to slow the spread of COVID-19?

We believe that ICFPD is as prepared as we can be at this time. Examples of actions we’ve taken over the last several weeks:
• COVID-19 Preparedness Plan development and distribution to all responders March 13
• COVID-19 Ambulance Preparedness and cleaning procedures developed and distributed to all responders March 13
• Denver Metro EMS Coronavirus protocol implemented for all responses
• Inventory and analysis of usage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) levels

Why did ICFPD close all station to the public and cancel training and meetings?

In line with recommendations from the CDC and CDPHE we are limiting public contact, increasing social distancing and focusing on infection control measures. Our goal is to maintain the health of our firefighters, EMTs and paramedics so we can meet the fire and EMS emergency response needs of our communities.

How has ICFPD activated the emergency preparedness plan?

The ICFPD COVID-19 Preparedness Plan details actions we have taken to prepare for potential member exposure as well as large incidents or exposure within Jefferson County. Some of those actions include preparations at our stations and steps to take in the event of certain situations, such as potential exposure to a patient with COVID-19.

What is ICFPD doing to coordinate with other first responders along the 285 corridor and in metro Denver?

It’s clear that COVID-19 does not respect geographic boundaries. ICFPD is in ongoing contact with Elk Creek Fire Protection District, Evergreen Fire Rescue, Indian Hills Fire Rescue and others. With implementation of the Denver Metro EMS Coronavirus Protocol we are appropriating limiting EMS transports to area hospitals to reduce the potential for overloading healthcare facilities in the metro Denver area.

What’s the status of the District’s current financial reserves?

With voter support of the Mill Levy increase in November of 2019, ICFPD has been building our reserves for future capital expenditure use such as new fire stations and apparatus. We will continue to evaluate our reserve funds to ensure appropriate use of funds as needed.

Why couldn’t the District use its financial reserves instead of seeking Federal or State disaster funding?

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented challenge for ICFPD as well as all first responders throughout the country. At this time, we do not know what the full financial and human impacts this crisis may have on the District. We are taking responsible action that will enable the District to have a potential access to funding to offset additional costs of dealing with this crisis. The current financial reserves of ICFPD are the result of sound financial management by the Board and ICFPD leadership. These funds provide reserves for unanticipated needs. Plus, these funds enable the District to move forward on its long-term strategic plan to strengthen our ability to provide fire and emergency services.

How is the current crisis affecting ICFPD meetings and use of your facilities?

We announced recently that all in-person meetings for the District will be cancelled, rescheduled or take place by way of teleconference or video conference. That includes Board Meetings, Board study sessions, training sessions and member meetings. At this time, the election for Board members is scheduled for May 5th at Station Three. And we had scheduled “Coffee with the Candidates” sessions during April. We are working to develop use of video to allow our voters to hear from the candidates.


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